Best throw, red LED, 1XAA?

The new Rayovac headlamp (1XAA) has surprisingly good throw from its two red LEDs. Can't say it's the best, but good for the price and easy availability. It beats the throw from the one red LED in the Proton.

I think ledwave made a 3W red led light running on two 123s and then the Surefire L1 in red. I was actually surprised how bright the red inova X5 was, but for 1AA perhaps the Peak Kilmanjaro 7 led.
Those of you with technical expertise, can a 3 watt red lux or cree be dropped into something like a fenix P2D without modifying the driver?
Those of you with technical expertise, can a 3 watt red lux or cree be dropped into something like a fenix P2D without modifying the driver?

I think this *could* present problems.

My understanding is that a P2D (or most 1XCR123 driving a Cree) is a boost converter. It can output the same or more voltage than the battery. Since the white Cree XR-E's take more voltage than a CR123 will create, everything is good. But red Cree's take considerably *less* voltage then the white ones. The boost regulators would most likely simply pass the CR123 voltage straight through to the red LED and not regulate and very likely *way* overdrive them.
While not entirely opposed to a science fair project (I have access to most all the tools, just not the time), I think I view that as more a last resort. If I can find something off-the-shelf that will throw red very well, all is good. If nothing is out there, then modifying something starts to make more sense for me.

I already considered doing something like an L1D (or similar) mod. That might work.
Red filters on white LED's are *extremely* inefficient compared to a red LED. They work pretty well on incandescents, but they suck batteries.

I've tried this. Even a white Cree XR-E with a red filter does about as well as one well driven 5mm except that it's got more spot due to the reflector. And that well-driven 5mm likely uses less than a tenth of the power. And then there was no good way to secure the lens.

I have a SF 6P with the red lens. The flip up is a great mechanical solution I doubt I could recreate. This is a very nice solution for an incandescent except for the very short run times and non-LED bulb. In fact, it's what got me thinking that a AA with a 1-3W red LED in a reflector ought be brighter than the 6P with lens and have *much* better run time.

So I'm thinking, what's out there that is smaller, brighter, and better throw than a 6P with red lens? Gotta be something and since we're talking red there is no reason to even consider incandescent.
Well, I have a whole drawer full of red LED lights and red filters, and if I wanted throw with 1xAA I would go with the Peak Kilmanjaro with their higher-power red LED(s). Their single LED heads are pretty bright, and the multiples are even brighter. Run time is not the best, but throw is definately there and this thing is bright for a 1xAA.

For 2xCR123, my pick would be a Surefire red KL1. IMHO the red KL1 is brighter than the white one. I got mine directly from Surefire. They weren't listed on the Surefire site, but you can order one over the phone.
I think this *could* present Cree's take considerably *less* voltage then the white ones.

Looks like most 3 watt red emitters have a vf of 2.9 to 3. However the K2 has a vf of 3.4, identical to the white cree xr emitter. I may try one in a P2D or L1D.
The Cree XR in red shows a Vf (@350mA) of only 2.25V, but ouputs 40lm! This would seem a great emitter for this application. Perhaps it will drop into an L1D? Other?

Where's a good source for these Cree XR red LED's? I might give it a try...

For 5MM (not my first choice) emitters, what I'm hearing is the Peak LED Solutions Kilmanjaro 3 LED in red may be the best 1XAA, off-the-shelf solution?
For 5MM (not my first choice) emitters, what I'm hearing is the Peak LED Solutions Kilmanjaro 3 LED in red may be the best 1XAA, off-the-shelf solution?

I have 1 LED, 3 LED and 7LED red Peaks. All are bright, but the 7 LED is brightest. It also has the shortest runtime. All of them are mainly throw with very little spill, so their usefulness as tasklights is limited. However, if you contact Peak they can make you a light with wider-angle LEDs.

The best of the small red lights IMHO was the Arc AAA in red, but unfortunately it is long out of production. This is a red flood, unusually bright for a 1xAAA. Possibly a wide-angle Peak would approximate this.
I have 1 LED, 3 LED and 7LED red Peaks. All are bright, but the 7 LED is brightest. It also has the shortest runtime. All of them are mainly throw with very little spill, so their usefulness as tasklights is limited....

This actually sounds closer to what I'm looking for. I did some searches but only found the three LED jobs. Where do i go to get a seven red LED unit?
This actually sounds closer to what I'm looking for. I did some searches but only found the three LED jobs. Where do i go to get a seven red LED unit?

See if this works:

There are other finishes (stainless, brass, etc.) Brass looks nice but is pretty heavy.

BTW: The red Luxeon in that KL1 is nothing to sneer at. I'll bet cars would pull over if you blinked one out your windshield.:thumbsup:
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