Best upgrade lamp for A2?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Hey guys, I am a noob with incans and I just got a mint Surefire A2. Its output is a little less than I would like, so what can I drop in it to bring it to life?
Since the aviator is a regulator fed incandescent, changing the lamp or the battery won't alter the output, rather it may bring down the efficiency of it.

The only lamps currently available [independent from Surefire] is the Lumen Factory HO-A2, and the streamlight strion lamp [must be used with the A2 holder custom built by Fivemega]
Dang, I did not know it was regulated. I might just have to dump this thing. I looked up the Strion socket and it does not seem that there are any available. Does that sound right? I guess I could try the HO-A2, but at only 120 lumens, I don't know if it is worth it. What is the most output you can get out of 6 or 7 volts with an incan?
Theoretically, about 250 lumens/watt. Recent work with quantum incandescents approaches 200 lumens/watt, using buckytube deposition on a hot element to tune photon wavelengths. This won't see light of ... uhm... anyway, it won't be ready for a while yet.

The HO-A2 or Strion will bump up output noticably, though.
Glad someone asked, was thinking of getting a A2 before SF discontinues them. Apparently the Strion holders are not being made anymore.

Would anyone know the runtimes of the Lumens Factory lamp? Looks promising as a replacement for the stock MA02
Dang, I did not know it was regulated.

the main reason why its price so high is the voltage regulation, known only to a handful of lights in existence that has regulated incandescent capability. The good thing is whether your batteries are 100% or 40% you get basically the same amount of output, rather than white for 100% and orange for 40%, the down side is there is very little upgrades you can use because the output voltage is fixed by the internal regulator
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the main reason why its price so high is the regulation, known only to a handful of lights in existence that has regulated incandescent capability. The good thing is whether your batteries are 100% or 40% you get basically the same amount of output, rather than white for 100% and orange for 40%, the down side is there is very little upgrades you can use because the output power is fixed by the internal regulator

That's wrong. Output power is NOT regulated. Output voltage is regulated.
Regulator can tolerate some higher current. Strion bulb pulls about 1.8 Amps while stock bulb pulls about 1.4 Amps in A2

Please see DM51's Strion revew.
That's wrong. Output power is NOT regulated. Output voltage is regulated.
Regulator can tolerate some higher current. Strion bulb pulls about 1.8 Amps while stock bulb pulls about 1.4 Amps in A2

Please see DM51's Strion revew.
Thanks for correcting him, I was about to post the same... The Strion lamp is NOTICEABLY brighter than the stock lamp.
Hey FM, I was hoping to get one of your kits for the Strion, but it appears you are out of them. Is that correct?
In the meanwhile, you should really try the HO-A2 from Lumens Factory. It is brighter and whiter than the stock MA02 but it won't kill your batteries as fast as the Strion lamp...
I like my LF HO-A2 for walking outdoors since it throws a bit more. For close-up work I prefer the stock MA02. I'd love to get a Strion socket if FiveMega does another run.
The Strion lamp is being overdriven quite a bit by the regulator since it is a 3.7V and the regulator puts out between 4-4.2V depending on who you talk to. So it will be bright, but may be short lived. That's okay though, Strion lamps are cheap.

I ended up selling my A2 awhile back as I was not thrilled with its output vs. size ratio. It was nice running it for free on IMR cells and all, but it is just too weak compared to some of my smaller brighter incans like my E2e's with Lumens Factory EO-E2R lamps and the flat disharge of the IMR cells seem to regulate incan output well enough for my tastes. I never found the output of my A2's particularily "white" either, often I would compare them to lights running on straight lithium ions like black label cells or IMR cells and the A2 appeared more "orange". I understand why a lot of people like the A2 though, to each their own I guess.
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Glad you guys brought up this topic,is there a lamp for longer battery life even if its not as bright as the stock lamp?
Glad you guys brought up this topic,is there a lamp for longer battery life even if its not as bright as the stock lamp?

Not that I'm aware of. At least I've never heard of such a lamp. The A2 lamp is kind of tricky to make from what I understand, so Surefire and Lumens Factory are the only ones who have made a version that I know of.
Not that I'm aware of. At least I've never heard of such a lamp. The A2 lamp is kind of tricky to make from what I understand, so Surefire and Lumens Factory are the only ones who have made a version that I know of.

Apparently Surefire mentioned in one of their old catalogs that the A2 was going to have an optional MA01 lamp that would put out 25 lumens for 130 minutes. It never saw the light of day but it would be nice to have. Maybe Lumens Factory could make one?
Apparently Surefire mentioned in one of their old catalogs that the A2 was going to have an optional MA01 lamp that would put out 25 lumens for 130 minutes. It never saw the light of day but it would be nice to have. Maybe Lumens Factory could make one?

I'd definitely buy one of those if LF put such a bulb into production. I love the HO-A2 in my A2. Compared to the stock SF bulb, it's brighter, whiter and gives a smoother, more round beam.
I'd definitely buy one of those if LF put such a bulb into production. I love the HO-A2 in my A2. Compared to the stock SF bulb, it's brighter, whiter and gives a smoother, more round beam.

I like my MN02 in my E2E that's 25 lumens but due to the smaller hotspot I tend to use it with an F04 for close-up work.