really depends on what you have to work with in terms of input voltage/current, if your input has a voltage suitable for series, go for series, if your current input is suitable to run many LEDs at once? hook them up in parallel. heck, if your so inclined, you could set set then in series-parallel if you want :lolsign:
theres no "best" way to do anything...only whats ideal in your project
hi guys n gals
i,m a bit confused now as electric,s arnt my strongest point the sparky at work says i could wire the leds parallel not in series now the thing is to me series is + - + - + - and so on and parallel is all the +s at one side and the - at the other? he was telling me that if one blows in series they stop working but not in parallel.
hi guys n gals
i,m a bit confused now as electric,s arnt my strongest point the sparky at work says i could wire the leds parallel not in series now the thing is to me series is + - + - + - and so on and parallel is all the +s at one side and the - at the other? he was telling me that if one blows in series they stop working but not in parallel.