Better "WOW" light?


Jul 16, 2007
Kaunas, Lithuania
Hey guys :)

Sorry if this is wrong forum - if it is, can the mods please move the thread? Thank you.


This forum both rocks, and sucks. Rocks, because I'm obsessed with light. Sucks, because my wallet and wife say so ;)

I have all my practical bases covered with Fenix L0D, Fenix L2D, MX Power 3*CREE and P7 light from DX. MORE than enough for real world use!

But I really want a "WOW" light.

So whole day yesterday, I've been reading about Mag623. Seems to be perfect. But then I started adding up numbers: quad bored 3d mag, AWs incan D driver, FM's head, LuxLuthors battery pack, some bulbs, a charger, and I got close to 400$!

Which is dirty close to a HID flashlight.

Mag623 would be putting out like what, 4400 lumens compared to 3500 lumens of 35w HID? 10 min vs 50 min runtime or so (comparing with Microfire here, perhaps better alternatives)?

So now I'm lost. I'm really interested in Mag project, but HID seems to be.. well, really interesting aswell!

I know what many of you will answer - buy both! AND I WOULD! But I can't. 400$ is already like 4x above whatever I wanted to spend at the first place.

I'm waiting any ideas and thoughts.

Bang for the buck you can get a Sam's POB HID for 40-50 Shipped

Holy S#%!# , Build a 623, it starts fires :twothumbs

Also I can't get a hold of lux for some reason
Succumb to your Desire!. Save up and get that Mag 623 if that what you want.

Anything in between won't satisfy your hunger for ultimate wow light......

All the best in your search
Some of them do but shipping is very very expensive (2x more than light itself).

10 minutes is not enough time, and why I sold my 623.

My exact thoughts.

I traded for a mag 623 a while back. It was a definite a "wow" light. But the run time and just lack of use made me sell it. I had a somewhat difficult time selling it her on CPF. It only sold for about $200.
Did both of you replace it with HID? Which one if so, and how did "first impression" compare between these two outputs?
So whole day yesterday, I've been reading about Mag623. Seems to be perfect. But then I started adding up numbers: quad bored 3d mag, AWs incan D driver, FM's head, LuxLuthors battery pack, some bulbs, a charger, and I got close to 400$!
If the Mag623 is what you really want, and the cost is the main obstacle, what about scaling back your build a bit? Skip the incan driver initially. Go with a stock 4D body instead of the quad-bored 3D. Opt for just a lens and reflector upgrade instead of an FM head. Nothing against any of those parts, but none of them are technically necessary, and you can always upgrade to them a piece at time later.