I've seen a few passing mentions of biconvex lenses in the archives, but little detail. Apparently they work well focusing incandescents? Can anyone say how well?
I was wondering about using one with FM's D26 bi-pin setup, using the FM1794 lamps. I've got one coming to me anyway, I thought it might be fun to have the option of using it as a thrower.
I'm looking at Surplus Shed and they have options. The focal length is the distance from bulb to the middle of the lens, right?
I was wondering about using one with FM's D26 bi-pin setup, using the FM1794 lamps. I've got one coming to me anyway, I thought it might be fun to have the option of using it as a thrower.
I'm looking at Surplus Shed and they have options. The focal length is the distance from bulb to the middle of the lens, right?