Big Red: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector


Nov 16, 2007
in the brightly lit suburbs of NYC (Long Island)
(White-wall beamshot comparisons in post #8)

A while back, I experimented a bit with different direct drive solutions for an SST-90 emitter. In the process, I had created a Mag 2D with a very low resistance, high current capable 4s2p AA configuration. Eight AA Duraloops providing 4.8V in that torch proved to be too much power to direct drive the SST-90 with, driving it to more than 14 Amps.

Since then, I've been collecting the pieces to build something new from that host. First, I needed an inexpensive regulator that could fully drive an SST-90 from 4.8v input and fit in a small space. Enter three single-mode 2.8A 8xAMC7135 regulators (cheap ones from KD).

I also wanted to use the 40mm deep SMO Mag Rebel reflector, which is just awesome. It wont focus anything north of the top of the Mag tube, so recessing the SST-90 into the neck was necessary. I asked another, VERY KIND CPF'er if he'd turn a bit of Aluminum stock into a plain flat heatsink for me, and several days later, one arrived in the mail! :twothumbslovecpf What a good fit too! I really had to apply force to fit it in the neck after greasing it with Arctic Silver. He even cut a relief into the bottom for me to fit a driver, and it was a good thing too, 'cause I ended up needing that space.

Here's a pic of the heasink after I drilled and tapped six holes by hand, and the three regulators after I prepped them with 20awg stranded copper:

I used thicker 18awg stranded copper to connect the combined regulator leads to the switch and to the emitter's star.

I mounted the bare emitter onto a standard 20mm CREE XR-E star using solder paste and a frying pan. (Delicate work that I'm not too fond of.)

In the end, I had not recessed the heatsink enough to entirely fit the whole depth of the Mag Rebel reflector and still screw the bezel/head passed their gaskets. I solved that problem by cutting off the top lip of the reflector and then slid the reflector through that ring-shaped piece to give it something to hang from. In effect, I moved the lip 1-2mm down the reflector. (I also trimmed 1.5mm more than necessary from the bottom, but that doesn't appear to have affected focus.) You might see a very slim black ring around the reflector in the pics. That's the exposed edge of the cut reflector. I used a black sharpie to hide the raw blue plastic.


(Current draw shown in pic above is just the sudden in-rush at first touch of the DMM leads. It instantly settles down to ~8.4A. I just couldn't juggle the leads and the camera to snap off another in-focus shot.)

I might redo the reflector and cut 1.5mm less of the cam off, although the fact that it doesn't directly contact the brass screws that hold down the star might be the only thing keeping its bottom from melting.

I might also do some green glow around the emitter, although the screws and wires would still be visible 'cause they're taller than the emitter base.

I might just not mess with it again and call it done...yeah, right, like I have that will power.
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Re: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Very nice build. I like the use of the 7135's while we wait patiently for the more exotic stuff comes along.:popcorn: I saw your YouTube video of the aspheric SST-90 and the clamp meter. Have you been able to make any direct comparison between the Rebel reflector and the more common incandescent reflector? How long can you run it at full power before shutting down? Beamshots?
Re: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

I feel your pains, I recently did close to the same thing but with a P7/d2flex/rebel reflector combo. IF only the AMC's were smaller you could have sunk that heat sink down a bit. The heat sink with the P7 is almost all the way down and the d2flex is recessed into the heat sink... so there is room. You are encouraging me to do a write up.
Re: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Very nice build. I like the use of the 7135's while we wait patiently for the more exotic stuff comes along.:popcorn: I saw your YouTube video of the aspheric SST-90 and the clamp meter. Have you been able to make any direct comparison between the Rebel reflector and the more common incandescent reflector? How long can you run it at full power before shutting down? Beamshots?

Rebel reflector gives a much tighter/smaller, rounder spot than the traditional reflector or any of its copies. I really like it. A distant second was a 53mm wide by 30mm deep CREE XRE reflector that I got from DX and then modified to fit. That's my back-up in case this one melts. :rolleyes:
Batteries are NiMH, so I guess runtime is limited to how much I'd be willing to abuse them. The "pack" is 4000mAH and draw starts at 8.4A and then lessens as Vbatt drops, so ballpark guess is ~40 minutes total.
Beamshots are inevitable.

I feel your pains, I recently did close to the same thing but with a P7/d2flex/rebel reflector combo. IF only the AMC's were smaller you could have sunk that heat sink down a bit. The heat sink with the P7 is almost all the way down and the d2flex is recessed into the heat sink... so there is room. You are encouraging me to do a write up.

I really like the Mag Rebel reflector. I'm working on an old 2C SSR-50 build with it and a recessed Cu heatsink that I made with some plumbing supplies. The C head is taller than the D head, and my heatsink is shorter than this one. Also, I'll be using 2 DX 20330 drivers in that torch, which I think might be shorter together or about the same as the drivers I used here on their ends. If all goes well, I wont have to chop the top off of that reflector. If I have to, at least I know it can be done. Losing that top 2mm probably results in a slightly larger hotspot, but it still beats the heck out of any other reflector I've tried (and I've tried all the affordable ones).



Thanks :D
Re: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Batteries are NiMH, so I guess runtime is limited to how much I'd be willing to abuse them. The "pack" is 4000mAH and draw starts at 8.4A and then lessens as Vbatt drops, so ballpark guess is ~40 minutes total.
Sorry, my mistake. By runtime, I was wondered about the heat build up, not battery life. Interpolating from the Luminus doc's, I get about 3.52 volts @ 8.4 amps. Of course that's only the 'average' LED. But it has to be close to 30 watts. My 10 watt P7 Mag gets hot pretty quick, but will run continuously. Almost 30 watts of power from an SST-90 must get you to the edge pretty quick. I want one.:naughty:
Re: SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

wrong topic
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Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Wow... :eek: nice!

It has a considerable bigger and brighter hotspot. The first impression is that it also has a more bluish light compared to the others. Is the light so more bluish?

Thanks for the beamshots! ;)
Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Wow... :eek: nice!

It has a considerable bigger and brighter hotspot. The first impression is that it also has a more bluish light compared to the others. Is the light so more bluish?

Thanks for the beamshots! ;)

It's a 6500K tint, which is why it appears cooler than all the others, but it's bin is right on the BB locus, so as cool as it is, it's a pretty pure white without hue of green or pink.

so.. where did you get the heatsink?

I PM'd another member who had mentioned turning some stock to make the same kind of heatsink in his own build thread. He was kind enough to make me one too. (He's not one of the folks who makes the more exotic kind of heatsinks sold here so often for epoxying bare emitters to.) I don't think it would be appropriate for me to volunteer who he is in case he wants to start charging for that kind of thing, or doesn't want to be inundated with requests for freebies. (But he should feel free to reply here if he does.)

As an alternative to a custom fit heatsink, you could custom fit the Mag neck to fit a piece of bare extruded Al stock instead. sells 35mm (1 3/8") T6061 for pennies, and they'll even cut it into discs of varying thickness for you (with a margin of error of ~0.25"). I was about to do that the same way that I increased the ID of the battery compartment (with a 35mm hole saw and/or a brake hone), but the anonymous CPFer came to the rescue the same day that the bare stock arrived at my door.
Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Its good to know that these LED will fit on to a cree star. I have put a few leds on to boards in a similar manner to what you did, but just using solder and flux. What exactly is solder paste? I have heard of it, but never used it.
Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Its good to know that these LED will fit on to a cree star. I have put a few leds on to boards in a similar manner to what you did, but just using solder and flux. What exactly is solder paste? I have heard of it, but never used it.

It's microscopic beads of solder held together with what I assume is some kind of flux. I use the Lodestar one, sku 4711 from DX, and thin it out a little with rosin flux from RadioShack (64-021). You can use it in a syringe or just spread it on with a pick. I heard that it can go bad after opening if you don't refrigerate it, so I keep mine hidden in the bottom of the refrigerator labeled "poison" (this one has lead in it). I've had it for a very long time and it still works as well as the day I got it. 50g is a massive amount too. One container is probably a lifetime supply (if it never expires).
Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

I think I may have to order some of this, I have been just very lightly tinning the emitter and star, then heating the base of the star, and putting an ice cube under it after the solder wets. It works ok, but its hard to get the solder thin enough to allow the led to sit perfectly flat.

good mod and nice heatsink :thumbsup:

sst-90 with cree star? its that really possible? :eek:




I prefer buy the SSR-90 (with star) but that appears to be good option too

no damaged noticed on the led?
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good mod and nice heatsink :thumbsup:

sst-90 with cree star? its that really possible? :eek:


I prefer buy the SSR-90 (with star) but that appears to be good option too

no damaged noticed on the led?


No damage, and this thing rocks. Heatsinking is perfect for the 8.4A current. I LOVE this torch.

I tried to find blank SSR-90 stars for the bare SST-90 emitter that I already had on hand, but could not, so I went with an XR-E star, and it worked. Seeing is believing. :D
Re: (Beamshots post 8) SST-90 8.4A regulated 8AA Mag 2D rebel reflector

Its good to know that these LED will fit on to a cree star. I have put a few leds on to boards in a similar manner to what you did, but just using solder and flux. What exactly is solder paste? I have heard of it, but never used it.

Hi guys, sorry to tell you the SST does NOT fit properly on a CREE Heatsink. When you get to high drive current it will collapse. The reason I know is I tried it :). I make lights professionally and trust me you need the Luminus SSR Heatsink. Even if you have this heatsink it is only for the experienced to place it. It needs the right amount of paste and needed to be reflowed. Why not but the LED on the Star Board ? :shakehead

No damage, and this thing rocks. Heatsinking is perfect for the 8.4A current. I LOVE this torch.

I tried to find blank SSR-90 stars for the bare SST-90 emitter that I already had on hand, but could not, so I went with an XR-E star, and it worked. Seeing is believing. :D

Hi, the Luminus LEDS do not fit well on CREE star boards. Its OK if you keep the drive low but if running them at spec they get as hot as hell. I use them professionally and I only has the LEDS in the beginning and wanted to get them going. From three, two failed within weeks. Just trying to help dude.