Bike lights as alternatives to headlights?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 14, 2003
I've just developed a problem with my Stenlight, and noticed that there are several bike lights that can be used as headlamps. For example,

There is a headband at

The Light and Motion Stella 200L is very lightweight, puts out 200 Lumens for 5 hours (or so they claim). I wonder how this compares to the Stenlight, and the Apex, but also if I should be looking at other rigs.

I need a fairly powerful headlamp for all-night search and rescue in the mountains.
If I owned a Sten, I'd look into having it fixed before spending a lot of money on something else.

For the money, you can't beat a modified Apex if you decide to replace the Sten.
I have been wanting to do this with my Dinotte's as well. I have just been in search for a suitable headband to modify and mount my 200 on. The problem to me with the Dinotte, I believe it was not recommended to be left on high for extended periods without movement.
You could make up one of the Cutter Cree kits and have an absolute monster headlamp up to 900 lumens or so. I have a Night Lightning iBlaast which is similar but a bit larger, and I can run it on low power for ages, medium power all night or 4 hours on 700lm setting off a small lithium battery pack, or on packs of 8AA lithiums. Eric set it up for me to run off 6-7.2V.