BitZ Ti O-ring Options?


Jan 2, 2007
The Great Midwest
I have a beautiful titanium BitZ light and was wondering if anyone has tried a slightly smaller o-ring to decrease the resistance of the twisting. i don't need this to be absolutely waterproof and am willing to sacrifice that for a smoother turn. It isn't the titanium threads-- without the o-ring it is very smooth. Suggestions anyone? I'm really needing a suggested size and don't have a way to properly measure the standard o-ring.
I have a beautiful titanium BitZ light and was wondering if anyone has tried a slightly smaller o-ring to decrease the resistance of the twisting. i don't need this to be absolutely waterproof and am willing to sacrifice that for a smoother turn. It isn't the titanium threads-- without the o-ring it is very smooth. Suggestions anyone? I'm really needing a suggested size and don't have a way to properly measure the standard o-ring.

what kind of lube are you using? as soon as i got all of mine i cleaned the threads and applied Nyogel under the o-ring, on top of the o-ring, and on the threads. it made a world of difference!!!! you may try that. the key step is applying the lube under the o-ring so it moves freely.

other than that i can't help you on the size, but once i did this it was like butter, and i could active, and even switch modes with one hand!
I use the 50/50 stuff from the Sandwich Shoppe. I did clean the threads, but even with the cleaning and lube, it is pretty tough to turn with the o-ring. Any other suggestions out there?
The lube applied on the Ti-Bitz from HgRyu, is "nyogel".

Loveit: why don't you contact HgRyu via PM or his website.