I've got a BB Storm and one thing I've been waiting for is Shazam to either start working or Song ID from VCast to be implemented.
Well today I did a battery pull and when I turned it back on VCast Tunes and VCast SongID was there to be downloaded.
Shazam and SongID are programs that ID songs on the radio or elsewhere. You just open it and hit record and it will 98% of the time know the song.
If you own a Storm, do a battery pull. Or maybe not, maybe it was just the first time I scrolled to the bottom of the Home screen to notice them.
If you have another model, you might use Shazam. SongID is free and less of a hassle.
Oh wait. You also have to be on Verizon to use it
Well heads up to the 1 or 2 people who this might apply to.
Well today I did a battery pull and when I turned it back on VCast Tunes and VCast SongID was there to be downloaded.
Shazam and SongID are programs that ID songs on the radio or elsewhere. You just open it and hit record and it will 98% of the time know the song.
If you own a Storm, do a battery pull. Or maybe not, maybe it was just the first time I scrolled to the bottom of the Home screen to notice them.
If you have another model, you might use Shazam. SongID is free and less of a hassle.
Oh wait. You also have to be on Verizon to use it