Blue 10W HID Mag *now with crenulated bezel* *SOLD*


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 15, 2003
-10watt Solarc system (overdriven to approx. 13watts)
-FiveMega Premium 3x17670 series Battery Holder
-Fluted Head
-Smooth Aluminum reflector
-UCL Lens
-Glass envelope on bulb removed

$306 Delivered (US)



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Re: Blue 10W HID Mag


That is beatiful!

Can you provide a little comparison between the output and runtime of your light against a Surefire M6?

I would also be interested in the runtime of it.

Does it retain the ability to focus?

Finally, can it come with a MOP reflector?
Re: Blue 10W HID Mag


That is beatiful!

Can you provide a little comparison between the output and runtime of your light against a Surefire M6?

I would also be interested in the runtime of it.

Does it retain the ability to focus?

Finally, can it come with a MOP reflector?

The Surefire M6 and a 10w HID are 2 different beasts. The M6 is more of a flood light where the HID is a throw monster.

The M6 runs for 20 minutes per 6x CR123 batteries which is darn expensive. The HID run from 3x17670 rechargeable Li-Ion cells.

The HID is fully focusable and can be equipped with a MOP reflector.

Re: Blue 10W HID Mag


I appreciate your response! I have never owned a HID light and I have never used one before so I am kind of "unenlightened" when it comes to these.

What kind of runtime would you expect from the light and can it be run continually at full brightness?

Also, how long does it take to light up to full intensity?

Thank you for all of you patience in answering my questions.
Re: Blue 10W HID Mag

The light draws approximately 1.2 amps so a tad under 1.5 hours runtime. The light will run at full brightness though it does get warm.

Re: Blue 10W HID Mag

Curious to know roughly what the throw and total lumens output is. :)

The ballast and lamp at 10.2v is rated for 500 lumens. Driven with 3x 17670 cells the ballast see's 11.4v which is a significantly visable boost. When get home from work I will power the light at 10.2v and then at 11.4v and measure the output :) but I would say well over 600 lumens. As for throw there nothing like an HID. They are throw monsters.

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Re: Blue 10W HID Mag

Hello I have a MAC built HID-MAG running at 11.4 regulated and it is b.e.utifull to say the least does indeed blow away my 10.4 ish volt mag-hid 8-nihms.And MAc I must say NICE work on the duracoat.:thumbsup:LOVE IT.
You cant go wrong with this!:poke:
Re: Blue 10W HID Mag *now with crenulated bezel*

put this system a "shorty" body (not blue maybe) :poke:
and then I would take it...
Re: Blue 10W HID Mag *now with crenulated bezel*

I'll take it. Paypal will be sent <12 Hours.

Edit: :paypal:
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Glad to see this was sold.
It tortured me for a couple days but I just couldn't stand the blue.