Body style of L2D the same as L2T... bummer!

I asked David if the L2P 2.0 had L2D-CE compatible threads in the off-chance that I could make an L2D-CE that looks like an L2P. No dice. I guess the rediculously bright output and reportedly ringless beam will make up for it!
Looks like the heads will fit with the LT series. I have an extra L1T body. Hopefully fenix-store will be offering the LXD heads only, like the LXT heads.
light_emitting_dude said:
Looks like the heads will fit with the LT series. I have an extra L1T body. Hopefully fenix-store will be offering the LXD heads only, like the LXT heads.

Wrong answer...

Hacked from another post:

ackbar said:
David: Does the L2D CE share the same body design as the L2T?

4sevens said:
Same body design yes, but the threading for the head is not compatible.
I wasn't too crazy for the new style either when I upgraded. I got used to it eventually. Don't worry too much about it. the L2D CE is going to rock!
I just sold my L2T which was my first real LED light. I loved it and am glad to hear the L2D will be the same. However I cant compare it to the L2P as Ive never handled one. I just cant wait to get my L2D. Ive had to go back to carrying my minimag with nite-ize led dropin. Makes me miss my L2T and really want my L2D:grin2:
I don't have an L2P, but like the body of the L2T. I'm looking forward to this light.
How anybody could like a fatter more slippery body (L2P) to a skinner body with some knurling (L2T) in actual usage is beyond my level of understanding.

Yes, I've used them both.