I was frightened by Li ion as something dangerous expensive and difficult. On CPF I found many explanations (thanks SilverFox). Then as the prices dropped (at DX and http://www.supertactical.com/unlimitshop/index.php?cPath=27&osCsid=1ff36a2f735eaec1ca802d40af1779d1) I bought some protected and non protected batteries (16340 and 18650 but not AA Li ) and a DSD charger. The unprotected 16340 charged only up to 3.97V . It's OK with me. To allow many cycles, I'll try not to charge over 4V and not to discharge under 3.3V. This leads to change batteries after 12 min in a UltraFire SS C1 and after one h in a UltraFire WF-502B.
Li is wonderful. For the beginning I bought only one level light and for medium and low I stick with AA lights.
Li is wonderful. For the beginning I bought only one level light and for medium and low I stick with AA lights.