Bought a nitecore d10r2, whats next?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 16, 2009
Okay so I order a nitecore d10 r2 and it should be on its way soon. So now that I'm hooked on flashlights, should I get another edc or a long range throwing flashlight? I read the d10 is more short ranged and with more flood compared to the quark. I have these in mind for the edc a quark aa or quark tactical, maratac aaa or a eagletac t20c2. What would you choose if you could just get one?
do you already have a li-ion batt for it? If you don`t perhaps rather than add on another light upgrade your batt?
If you could only choose just 1?? Oh boy are you are in trouble. I joined CPF 4 months ago and I now have 12 flashlights!!!:devil: If I were you, I would go with a bigger light like the T20C2 that you mentioned although I believe that light is not out yet. The D10 R2 is really a great light and is a fantastic EDC.
yea don't have much money at the moment so just one flash light and the t20c2 is probably my limit. 12 flashlights :O Don't tell me you carry them all at once hehe. The t20c2 should be available on aug 3rd. I do not have a lithium battery for it but I might get one as well if I get the t20c2. Are there any other good lithium brands like AW?
Why don't you try out the D10 before you go looking for more things you may not need just yet lol
If the D10 is your only current "decent" flashlight I see no point in getting another AA EDC. If you want throw, get a real monster thrower like tiablo, Dereelight DBS etc. They aren't THAT big(easily fits into a coat pocket) and are ridiculously fun to play around with, not to mention quite usefull as well. Even though the beam is throwy I find them useful at moderate range as well since they are so powerful.
If you're all work and no play, get a good headlamp(like the zebralights). Headlamps are criminally underrated and useful when doing tasks, camping, fishing, etc etc etc. Although they might not be that fun to play around with.
If I only could have one light, it might be a small headlamp(zebralight AA, or a D10 on headband even).
Another good suggestion is to get a multi-charger and 14500s for your D10, it really makes the light shine and opens up the whole possibility of getting into 18650s, where most of the really good stuff lies(if you allready haven't). If you're into flashlights, you'll end up there sooner or later anyway...
i agree on wait till you see the d10. use it for few days and weeks to see if you need something else. and if you like it or not. it will be suprising powerful compared to old big incan lights.

my advice. use the d10 as edc then get a bigger light with long runtime for tasks that take longer.

(if you dont want to use li-ion batteries like 18650 and stick with AA size.. then look at fenix tk20 or similar 2AA light. or maybe monster fenix tk40)

then get an tiny keychain light as backup to your edc.
then later get an headlamp.
then later get an second edc with different ui.
then later get an monster light. :)

i still havent gotten into the "monster powerful" lights.. i have just been filling my edc needs and wants.. (actually i dont need that many that i do have.. but i have found excuses for not spending that much one one big light and bought 2-3 smaller cheaper ones.)
I would get a larger two-123 cell light like an Olight M20 or Eagle Tac T20C2 for power and runtime.

The Nitecore should be more than enough for most uses.
I'd accessorize your D-10.

Get the slotted piston tube and install a tritium vial.

In addition, get a couple 14500 lithium rechargeable batteries and a charger to really make the D-10 shine brightest.
that sounds and looks cool but I'm questioning my modding abilities. I don't think I would know how to mod it. Also how much would the vial and piston cost? Is the the new piston just so I can put in a tritium vial? Thanks.
The slotted piston tube can be purchased from 4-Sevens for $19.

The tritium vial can be had from B@rt for $11 + $3 shipping here

And you will need some optical adhesive for $7.50.

No major skills are needed to accomplish this. All you have to do is squeeze some adhesive into the slot, drop your tritium vial in, and then fill the slot until it is full. Then cure the adhesive by exposing it to sunlight.

It only takes a couple of minutes. . . the only hard part is waiting for all your necessary bits to arrive in the mail. . .
you should treat yourself to a Fenix TK40. you will not be disappointed!

my D10 R2 is my favorite light, period.

my must-have list is:
nitecore D10
fenix tk40
zebralight H30

also, any of the quark series and the fenix LD01 are some of my other favorites

you really can't go wrong with any of these lights. ...just one dood's opinion.

...happy spending! :grin2:
I ordered an eagletac t20c2 with batteries and a charger. My nitecore d10 r2 is still on backorder. Anyone else have long wait times for the nitecore at 4sevens? I'm on vacation and will have to leave back to Europe again so I might have to cancel my order.
I ordered an eagletac t20c2 with batteries and a charger. My nitecore d10 r2 is still on backorder. Anyone else have long wait times for the nitecore at 4sevens? I'm on vacation and will have to leave back to Europe again so I might have to cancel my order.

Call or e-mail them for help. They respond to e-mails within the day before 5PM, and they are very helpful.
i know ive been waiting for over a month for the d10 R2. i called them yesterday and they expect to get it by this friday or early next week. its been out of stock for a very long time now and im getting so impatient since its going to be my first EDC!!! (if i ever get it :D )
I'm new at this, but this is how it appears that our addiction usually plays out...

Prioritized Flashaholic Checklist:
1. EDC: should be something that will cover 90% of your flashlight needs, so multi-mode or variable output is an absolute must. Runtime is not a priority since you'll use the light often enough to know when it's running low. You'll run rechargeable batteries in your EDC and top them off regularly, but it's handy if the EDC takes a common cell size. Should be able to get max output quickly and easily in a self-defense scenario. The D10 is an excellent EDC and meets all these criteria.

2. Emergency flashlights: cheap flashlights with expensive batteries that you stash in each car, the garage, under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc. These are the flashlights that you don't use very often, but when you need them, they have to work. This means you put batteries that won't leak and have a long shelf life (any lithium primary cell (button, 123, L9[12]) is good. LSD rechargeables will do if you have the discipline to check them a couple of times each year and don't live where it gets especially cold). Runtime is more important than brightness. Simple UIs are preferred over the more complicated UIs of premium lights because these are the lights you'll loan to friends and family members (you will probably still use your EDC in an emergency, cannabalizing batteries from the emergency flashlights as needed...your EDC on low mode will probably out last the emergency flashlights anyways).

3. "Old Reliable": something with decent output and throw and long runtime like a 4-6D maglite with a decent LED dropin. This is the "security blanket" flashlight for when it's comforting to be holding something heavy and bright. It's probably not for you (you're packing, right?) as much as it's for your kids, spouse, etc. Also handy for looking for pets/kids outside late at night.

These are the basics. Note that only the EDC is really intended to satisfy your needs...the emergency lights and "Old Reliable" are mostly for those around you who don't have their own EDC. However, catagories 2 and 3 are great cover for your addiction since almost any light you purchase can be justified by claiming it's either a 2 or 3 if you don't already have a better reason.

Beyond that, catagories of interest include:
* backup EDC: not quite as capable as your EDC, but generally smaller. Usually small enough to fit comfortably in a pocket or on a keyring. Suitable for gift giving if you're trying to recruit another flashaholic or you're tired of your wife borrowing your EDC all the time.
* thrower EDC: not as versatile as your EDC, but generally brighter and better than your EDC at illuminating distant objects. Also generally bigger with more battery capacity than your EDC. Usually carried hidden in a coat pocket or, if your EDC isn't already on your belt, in a belt holster.
* monster thrower: a flashlight that you only bring with you if you know you're gonna use it (if only to impress your friends). Rediculous output is expected. Nice if you can run it on D cells, but more exotic batteries are often required.
* Tactical lights: something you hold in one hand when the Glock is in the other (unless it's already mounted on the Glock)
* Toys: pocket rockets (tiny flashlights modded for rediculous output for short periods of time because of battery and heat considerations), novelty UI flashlights, etc. Lights you don't need for anything in particular, but they're cool, so you buy them anyway. Once the novelty wears off, they generally become emergency lights or gifts.

Accessories to your addiction:
* Rechargeable batteries with decent charger. Don't skimp on your charger...
* battery organizer (with notebook for keeping tabs on your rechargeables...)
* soldering station and dremel for repairs and mods...
* paypal account...

Please let me know if I've missed something.


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