Breaking news: Inova Flashlights acquired by Niteize

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline

I just learned the other day at CES that NiteIze has acquired the Inova brand and all of it's products.

Emissive Energy, the original corporate parent of Inova will continue to do business marketing their Inforce line of military products.

I'll post more as this develops but I have done business with both companies for a number of years and I am confident that the NiteIze team will take Inova forward and improve upon an already excellent product line. Niteize has a very successful track record in consumer products and their owner is a flashaholic and irrepressible enthusiast for all things taking batteries and using LED's.
Thanks for the news Matt!

This is very interesting. This could definitely lead to some great things. I feel like nite ize has always focused more on innovation in the way alot of their products are improvements upon the maglite. While on the other hand inova has always been a bit more conservative and although they might not make the brightest lights or have a ton of features, they usually meet a pretty respectable level of quality. Hopefully they can find a synergy here.
Wow, that´s some news.

One of my first "real" LED flashlights was a Inova X1, it´s actualy laying here next to my keyboard.

Wonder what will be the outcome of this? :party:
Thanks for the news Matt!

This is very interesting. This could definitely lead to some great things. I feel like nite ize has always focused more on innovation in the way alot of their products are improvements upon the maglite. While on the other hand inova has always been a bit more conservative and although they might not make the brightest lights or have a ton of features, they usually meet a pretty respectable level of quality. Hopefully they can find a synergy here.

I couldn't have put it any better than that. Agreed 100%!
Thanks for the news, Matt. Very interesting indeed. Was Inova faultering economically, or was NiteIze looking to acquire a manufacturer to get into the game? Or both?
I doubt they were faltering but honestly I just don't know.

I think it was a mix Emissives desire to focus on the high end military stuff and Niteize's desire to get further into the game. Niteize and Inova have worked together many times before so it was a natual pairing.
That is interesting. Funny how just today I was examining my old X1's, first I'd touched them in months.

Interesting acquisition.

Maybe it will help Inova's visibility at the B&M level.

Nite-Ize already has a lot of new stuff in the pipeline, including new Mini-mag LED upgrades.

Nite-Ize certainly stands behind their products.
I hope Nite Ize will continue to manufacture Inova flashlights in the USA. Nite Ize moved manufacture of their Pock-Its and other products from the USA to China.
Interesting acquisition.

Maybe it will help Inova's visibility at the B&M level.

Nite-Ize already has a lot of new stuff in the pipeline, including new Mini-mag LED upgrades.

Nite-Ize certainly stands behind their products.

+1, I always see Nite-Ize stuff in B&M stores hopefully we see more of their new flashlight line there to:thumbsup:.
Hopefully this move will make the inovas available in a wider variety of stores :)

EDIT- yeah, what Juggernaut said :p
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So went from a USA owned and operated and based to USA based but Chinese owned.:sick2:
well I hope the majority of the lights stay USA made.

Edit: er all of them hopefully
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...because all the NiteIze products I've ever seen say 'made in China'. If they are actually making stuff stateside, more power to them.
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To MattK --

Thank you for keeping us informed.


Nite-Ize already has a lot of new stuff in the pipeline, including new Mini-mag LED upgrades.

Can you elaborate a bit ?

Especially the LED upgrades for Mini-Maglites.

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