brightest headlamp ?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 9, 2003
deep south
Am looking for a Bright Headlamp ! prefer Led but not opposed to others . Need some opinions----- Tks, Lighthead
Hi Lighthead!

While not an expert at headlamps, I have some suggestions.

1. So that others can help you better, give specifics as to what you need the headlamp for. Racing a bike would have different needs than say rock climbing, or scuba diving or hiking.

As this has been posted several times, a light is like a tool, and there are different tools for different jobs.

2. Use the search function to read what has already been written on this form. One of my first posts here, was "how do I make my mag-light brighter?", and I posted that without researching the topic here first, later to find out that topic had been discussed at length.

That's the neat thing about a forum like this, is that the history is not lost.

3. What are your weight and run time requirements?
tks budd, like everything in life there are so many choices. all i really want is a Bright haneadlamp that will last longer than 2 hrs and as small as possible. mainly used for finding my way in and out of the weoods while deer hunting . will go back and search for comments. tks, Lighthead
For brightest LED headlight, try the followings:

HDS - ActionLight (you need to build your headstrap)

For brightest headlight other than LED, try all those HID designed for biking. All of them runs more than 2 hours.

It's not HID, but try the Princeton Tec VorTec (click on Outdoor, then you'll see it in the first list toward the bottom). It has several different configurations, and decent runtime (I would say better than they quote) without being really big and bulky. I love mine, and use it for everything when I need my hands free.
Silviron make Headlamp mods for the Arc LS. Find one of his posts and click on the link. I have the 'adult' one for mine. You just screw on the Arc LS head and your all set. (if you have an LS that is).
The PT aurora is a super light (weight) and bright. I use it when we break-down pyrotechnic shows. It is very adjustable and bright. Lots of settings, too.
the guy is asking for a bright light and we want him to buy an aurora? a 3 LED headlamp is, by any standards, bright? do you work for PT or something? i don't think so.

if you want the unltimate in brightness and price is not a concideration then buy an HID incandesent light. do NOT buy an arc LS headlamp nor a 3 LED headlamp nor _any_ LED headlamp really nor anything made by PT (well, nothing that's i've seen anyways). the link for the bike storm HID is the only decent answer so far.

now if you want a headlamp that doesn't need spare parts, or you want one that lasts a long time, or uses regular AA or AAA cells, then the other answers will work for you, but the are definatly _not_ the brightest solutions.
Tks, My previous smilie face went through without my mesage. anyway i thanked everyone for their help and i decided on PT Vortec . Got one yesterday and am really impressed with it's brightness and long throw. and by the way i replaced the original halogen with a xpr103. I'm all Smiles Lighthead
lighthead: Glad you like it so far. I have been happy with mine for the 2 years or so I've had it. It's nice that it has two different reflectors and two different bulbs included. This gives you some options. I think it is plenty bright, especially with the brighter bulb and the spot lens, and I have used it on several backpacking trips with no complaints. I also like how the lamp can tilt independent of the battery holder. Did you know that you can also SCUBA dive with this thing? While not the best light for the job, it does work. At least you know if you get it wet it won't hurt anything. While there are brighter heasdlamps out there, for the money, it's hard to go wrong with this one!