brightest pocket light I can get for under 100$


Newly Enlightened
May 10, 2010
Recommendations for 200 lumen plus light

Hey all, I currently own a Fenix P1D flashlight which is suppose to have a max output of 180 lumen.
I love this little flashlight, yet I've had it for a few years now and was thinking about give this one to my son and buying a new super bright LED.
I'm looking for any opinion on light that's even brighter then 180 lumen, yet is pocket size, and price around 75$-ish.

I seen a Terralux 220 EX LED on, and it was less then 30$ sounds too good to be true,
Is it really 40 lumen brighter then light I have and at like haft the price?

So any opinions would be nice, I want the brightest pocket light I can get for under 100$


Terralux is not known for the accuracy of their lumen numbers. The only '220 lumen' Terralux flashlight I saw at brightguy is a 2AA - twice as long as your P1D.
My guess is the Terralux will be around 130-150 OTF lumens, the P1D around 150 OTF lumens.
(If you do buy the Terralux give that to your son, keep the P1D)

At the lower drive levels off a CR123A the LEDs have not improved that much. The XP-G is brighter overall but it spreads the light around more. You get a wider hotspot, not a brighter hotspot.

The lights I am aware of that gives OTF lumens above 200 are the Quarks.
Quark 123, R5 Edition
Quark 123 (no clip), R5 Edition
You should probably start looking HERE.
Keep in mind that the current Quarks are not XP-E R2s, they are XP-G R5s, brighter and floodier.
Also HERE is a thread posing a similar question.

Oh, my bad... :welcome:
+1 On the Jetbeam RRT0 and Jet-I Pro. When running a 14500 through the Jet-I its hard to beat the spill and throw mix. The RRT0 is nearly the same on Cr123 but not as good as beam, a bit more ringy even when both use textured reflectors.
Three issues here: real "out the front" lumens vs. theoretical, light output pattern, and as our light perception is logarithmic you would need to DOUBLE the output of the light to see a significant difference.

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