Broken Ra Clicky (new switch model...)


Nov 16, 2008
Hey guys Ive already emailed Ra about warranty but I figured id post here and see if there were any suggestions for fixing this myself. I Put my Ra Clicky 140 tactical in my pocket before leaving my fiancee's about an hour ago and like 2 minutes later looked down and my leg was glowing. Sure enough my light was on and it doesnt usually do that. I took it out and it wouldnt cut off by clicking, holding the switch didnt result in strobe, and there was no switching modes...? I dropped the battery out and let it sit for a minute and put the battery back in and before I could even screw the light all the way down it was on and wouldnt go off. My Clicky is one of the newer models with the tc that doesnt have holes and the improved switch design.
Hey guys Ive already emailed Ra about warranty but I figured id post here and see if there were any suggestions for fixing this myself. I Put my Ra Clicky 140 tactical in my pocket before leaving my fiancee's about an hour ago and like 2 minutes later looked down and my leg was glowing. Sure enough my light was on and it doesnt usually do that. I took it out and it wouldnt cut off by clicking, holding the switch didnt result in strobe, and there was no switching modes...? I dropped the battery out and let it sit for a minute and put the battery back in and before I could even screw the light all the way down it was on and wouldnt go off. My Clicky is one of the newer models with the tc that doesnt have holes and the improved switch design.
Exactly the same fault I had with my old clicky tailcap!!:sigh:
Oh no!!

I had trouble with the new style TC on my recently purchased clicky.
Sent it back for a refund, I no longer trusted it......
That sucks. The funny part is up until yesterday morning I used to EDC my Clicky, Zebralight H60, Surefire LX2, and Elektrolumens EDC-P7. But I decided that was completely overkill and I was to the point that I trusted the reliability of my Clicky so I only carried my Clicky and H60. Needless to say the Surefire is back in my pocket today.
Sorry to hear your troubles. Henry will take care of you. :thumbsup:

No one should ever, ever trust a single flashlight, especially hiking, caving, etc. Carry a backup, or two.

Stuff with moving parts and/or electronics can, and will fail. Its the nature of the beast, unfortunately. :shrug:
Yea I still had no less than 5 backups in my backpack that goes everywhere with me plus I had the H60 on me.
Well the new tailcap opens up, so you could open it and use an ohm meter to try to see where the fault is.

Sounds to me it may be a short between the signal wire and ground, rather than the switch per-say.

Let us know.
Well I had a tiny bit of deoxit left and I sprayed it up in the switch and cleaned the threads and re-greased them and it works now :shrug:
Well I had a tiny bit of deoxit left and I sprayed it up in the switch and cleaned the threads and re-greased them and it works now :shrug:

I suspect opening and closing the light had more to do with the solution than the deoxit, since that helps make connections, not reall break stuck ones of the type involved in that switch mechanism. Good end result though.

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