BTG-10 from z-bolt


Newly Enlightened
Apr 6, 2005
Hey guys I'm new to the forums, as you can probably tell. I just purchased a BTG-10 unit from z-bolt(I can't seem to get a direct link to work, but just goto then online store, and its under the Astronomy section if you need to see what I'm talking about) and so far I am pleased with it. It had a sticker on the instruction paper that came with it that said it ran at 3.8Mw, which is fine and all, but I'll never be completely satisfied until I can see how bright it can get. I have known about the pot mod for some time now, and figured it would be easy once I got the laser, but I have come across a problem. I can't seem to find a way to get the thing out. The board is a LeadLight board as it says on the warning sticker, and I can see the pot if I take the battery out and look down the tube. But I can't seem to find a way to get to the pot other than taking the entire board out or drilling a hole in the tube to get to it. I would much rather get the board out instead of drilling a hole in the tube which I would have to cover back up obviously. So if any of you have some experience with these units or see a way to get it out, tell me. I've tried unscrewing the front but I dont think that can be done.
Welcome to CPF John! ... you may want to think about changing your display name. This really is a more mature forum and your display name is just a tad bit immature, if you know what I mean.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
i used a Vise Grip brand pair of pliers, and it came right out, no scratches either. I tried using an X-acto knife to wedge it off, but that didnt work for me. Have you tried taking the button off to see if the pot is accessable that way?
yeah sorry about the name sasha, I've had this name since I was about 14 when I played Counter-Strike alot, and ever since then I've been using it (I'm 18 now). If it's really a problem, I will change it. SuperBurt, I don't think you understand what I mean. Goto that website and look at the laser I have (BTG-10 Lithium Powered, basically the same as the Jasper Always), The button is all the way in the back behind the battery, so taking the switch off will do no good, the pot is underneath the laser case or tubing whatever you want to call it, so the only way to access it is to get the entire circuit board and all that stuff out of the case, which there must be a way, if they got it in, I can get it out. The front won't screw off, I've tried for hours to do that, so I guess I will just have to drill approximately where I think that the pot is located under the tube. The only problem with that is that there will always be a hole there if I do drill, I guess I could cover the hole with a warning sticker and take the old one off. Is there a place where I can buy warning stickers or something?
my bad... I was thinking it was the same as a leadlight, which would be takin apart with a clamping tool like I said. I havent heard of anyone with this laser yet. Im sure if LaserMod gets one for himself, youll have a whole host of mods to do. Can you post some detailed pics of it so we can see how it is held together?
peedonurpoptart said:
yeah sorry about the name sasha, I've had this name since I was about 14 when I played Counter-Strike alot, and ever since then I've been using it (I'm 18 now). If it's really a problem, I will change it. (...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe it is time then to think about a new name now! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poke2.gif
Yeah I was just thinking that... maybe about time *hint-hint* or Sasha will change it for you...and you may not like your new name if it comes to that. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I would have thought the pot would be accessible some how. The button is in the tail-cap but how can it be a Leadlight board then? Also the LL board are not designed for constant use as this laser is meant to be...they get too hot too quick. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif Must be a different driver board.
Ok, this is my new name. Hehe, last one didn't seem to go over well. Anyways, it must be a leadlight, the warning sticker says "Manufactured By: Leadlight Technology, Inc." Either way, I can see the pot screw, so even if it isn't a leadlight is it safe to just do the pot mod? Also I see a piece of plastic that might have been the switch, but they removed it because of the back cap, could that be a posibility? As for pictures, I will try to get ahold of a digital camera tomorow if needs be. I've already drilled a notch in the laser where the pot should be under. I'll probably finish drilling through it tonight and tell you what happens.
akm47 ... you could have changed your display name (in your profile) without re-registering which isn't well regarded either. Thanx for complying though and welcome again /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
be VERY VERY careful doing the drilling... wouldnt want to drill right through that driver board!
whoops, sorry about that, I never really use forums. But yeah I'm going to go drill, one other thing, before I attempt to screw the pot once I drill through, if i accidentally short it what will happen? Is it better to take the battery out and then mess with it or what? I'll be carefully drilling.
Don't worry I plan to be, sorry about the new registration. I didn't think it would matter, won't happen again, obviously. One more thing before I go back to drilling, what would happen if i left the battery in while I was messing with the pot and I accidentally shorted it? Is it something I don'y want to even attempt, or is it just a minor risk?
sorry for the double post, I was trying to get that answered fast, but I couldn't wait, so I just left the batteries out. But after all was said and done, It worked. It's probably about 12Mw by rough estimation of what it was and is now, about 3X what it was before (3.8Mw). If anyone else asks this quetion refer them to this thread, here's what I did.

How to POT mod the z-bolt BTG-10

Open the back of the laser removing the battery with it. The POT screw should be visible by looking into the back of the laser toward the front with good lighting. Now take a paper clip or other long narrow object and measure the distance from the back of the laser without the cap to the POT screw by pushing the paper clip up against the screw and marking it somehow (I bent mine where it was even withthe back opening). Then take that paper clip or whatever you used to measure and place it on top of the laser with the mark lined up with the back of the laser (still no cap) And with the POT screw being directly beloew the line formed by the paper clip. Place a mark or small scratch a couple of mm in front of the end of the paper clip, to mark the spot to drill. Now, with an electric drill, drill a small hole where your mark is. You can press hard for about 3mm, then start to ease the pressure and drill slowly. Once your through the metal casing there is a small shield of plastic, drill slowly through that too. My hole is about 5mm deep including the plastic. Once you have drilled the hole you should be able to see the POT screw directly below the hole. Now you can adjust it to your liking.

That's how I did mine, like I said, I believe that it's running at around 10Mw or so, but I haven't really tinkered with the screw to see how far it will go. If anyone has an easier way to adjust the pot on the BTG-10 (like removing the entire board which I couldn't figure out how to do) post it, because I admit, drilling that hole was really scary, and is really risky, especially when it turned out to be so deep when I expected it to be only a mm or so deep. Good Luck and I hope this helps someone out.
cool, i just ordered one of those too. really dont wanna drill in it, but very glad to know i can pot mod it!
I didn't know Leadlight made these models... unless ofcourse Z-Bolt are simply modding normal Leadlights to fit a new tube for Lithium power.

If the aperture label reads Leadlight then cool. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

BTW as Bert said - can you not just lever the diode/board out from the top of the pointer?
well, I tried that for a while, but theres not much of a way to do that without scratching it and gouging into the metal really bad. And it doesn't stick out enough to get a grip on with pliers or what-not. Of course I guess drilling puts a gouge in the laser too hehe. But at least the hole can be covered with another warning sticker. Does anyone know where I could by a warning sticker? I was thinking about buying one of those 10 dollar lasers just for the sticker, but I'd much rather just get the sticker itself so that it adheres better. Oh one more thing I was looking at batteries for this thing and I found 4 rechargeable batteries with recharger for 21.95

But I was wondering since my laser is supposed to take CR123A batteries which are 3.0V, would the 3.6V batteries included with the recharger work in it? Would It ruin the laser?

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