Budget single mode solarforce build out


Newly Enlightened
Jun 10, 2010
Hello all-

I've been trolling for a little while now, trying to soak up what I can. Thanks for a great forum. I've searched a bit to try to find my answer, but wanted to throw this out to the forum before I went into purchasing mode.

My goal is to make a sturdy, affordable, bright light with good run time (who wouldn't want such a thing?) I have 3 solarforce L2s of varying lengths that I love. I'd like to continue using the Solarforce chassie for this build. What I would like for this light build is to run 2 18650s to give me a fairly long run time.

What I'm not sure of is the following:

I've used solarforce 18650s, trustfire 2500 3.7v 18650s and ultrafire 3000 3.7 18650s. All have worked well, and though I like the ultrafires, they are a bit shorter than the trustfires and don't give me the solid connection I would like.

For the p60 sized head, I would like a single mode unit with a good voltage range, but with more emphasis on high lumen output, with a fairly focused beam. the cree r2 LED drop in rated at 225 lumens looked nice as it had a broad range, but I was wondering if there is anything brighter?

Now the catch.

I'd like to get the p60 drop in for 35 or less dollars, preferably 30 and under. However, if that extra few dollars makes a big difference, I'll spend it.

I would also like to request which 18650s you would all recommend to go with this setup.

the use of the light:

I work nights in a bar to help make ends meet while I am in grad school. I never use a light for more than 5 to 10 minutes of constant on, so I don't worry to much about over heating. I figure I could always improve the heat sink later as I learn more. The light MIGHT see the occasional 30 minutes of run time if I use it while hunting- however that would be the upper limit.

A focused beam that is as bright as possible (my current brightest light is rated at 225 lumens I believe) is preferred. I know I sound like a very inexperienced light novice (which I am) and 'brightness' is not a great quantifier of what I would like- and for that I apologize.

i've been reading all 3 parts of the p60 sized led drop in thread, and have been slowly tiptoeing into the battery discussions. I notice many drop ins are not rated for multiple 18650s, so I'm a bit stumped on which direction to go. for both lamp and battery selection.

any suggestions are appreciated, and I apologize if I overlooked any obviously relevant threads during my searches. Thanks again.
If you want to stick with solarforce products, there is a 1 mode XP-G.R5 (3v-18v) that is not bad with 2 li-ion batteries but far to be good with only one.
You could use this one with up to 4 li-ion batteries (4.2V * 4 = 16.8V). I use it with 2*16340 batteries in a solarforce L2P host and I think that its total brightness is a little bit brighter than Fenix TK12 XP-G.R5 (ceiling bounce comparison) even if it is not evident on following pictures (wall beamshots) because Fenix's hotspot is a little bit brighter.

(Right click >> "open in a new tab" to enlarge)

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For your budget I think you would do well to take a long look at Dave's (Nailbender) P60 drop ins. He's using the XPG-R5 that you desire along with many others and his quality is top notch. You can order an R5 that will handle your 2 18650's at over 250 lumens OTF with a nice tight yet smooth beam. Also since you ask, I would go with AW's 18650's as they are among the most highly regarded on CPF. I've used them myself with great results. (By the way, its 10 bucks over your budget and only compatible with ONE 18650 or 2 primaries, but I'd take a look at Dave's dual XPG Linger special, its probably the best value out there for a drop in. Over 500 OTF lumens for $45. Pretty damn hard to beat.) Best of luck with your search bud.
Oh I'm not totally tied to Solarforce, I was just going to use them as the host. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

I was thinking something like a Thrunite XPG 2.7-9v dropin that claims almost 500 lumens at the emitter.

However, I see the 3 mode version has memory, and a wider range so I would consider that as well.
No problem man, and just so you know, MrGman tested the original run of Thrunite XPG drop ins that claimed a high lumen count and found them to only produce around 220 lumens. I'd be very wary about purchasing a ThruNite at this point in time.