Buff out a scratch?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
So, got my Mac's EDC in aluminum yesterday. Love the light and have been playing with it non-stop. It got it's first love mark today from my wedding band I think. Created a small swirly scuff mark where the head starts to flare out. Is there any way to buff that out? Please let me know!

Thanks guys!
Bare aluminum is, by far, the easiest metal to work with when you have a small scratch, because it's so soft. You can also use my personal favorite, "Nevr-Dull" polishing cloth when you're done working out the little scratch. It'll shine up beautifully then!
Hey Troy! All that was needed was some Nevr-Dull and elbow grease. Looks perfect now. Thanks for reminding me I had some of that stuff. :)