I've got a neat item I picked up from Costco -- it's a set of six tube lights with R, G and B LED's inside. It comes with a basic driver circuit that does six types of color cycling, and allows you to pause it at one color.
I'd like to replace that with my own driver that simply has three pots to adjust the duty cycle for the three colors (and another to tweak the PWM frequency, for effects). AFAIK each color draws a few amps, so I'd need a fairly robust setup. I haven't done any circuit design work for ages, least of all in power applications, so where do I start?
I'd like to replace that with my own driver that simply has three pots to adjust the duty cycle for the three colors (and another to tweak the PWM frequency, for effects). AFAIK each color draws a few amps, so I'd need a fairly robust setup. I haven't done any circuit design work for ages, least of all in power applications, so where do I start?