Very interesting stuff, and thanks for the feedback everyone. I hadn't considered the 3xA123 cells, the extremely high power density (high current) is very interesting, but I don't like the idea of the low energy desnity of the A123s, which is nominally half that of the AW cells. If I'm going to need to cut my runtime in half to get twice as many lumens, I'd rather just stick to a 2C with a 5761 bulb than bother using a 4C. I was hoping to get both double the lumens and the same runtime as the ROP (as I would be using 4 cells vs 2)
It does make sense though that in order to get the really impressive results, I woudl need to seriously overdrive a 12V bulb -- and considering how unimpressive 12V bulbs are on the 13.7V coming out of my car's alternator, I can understand the need for 5 LiIon cells before things get interesting.