Bulb Options for IMR26500's


Sep 17, 2006
What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

with the upcoming of IMR 26500 cells to replace the old 26550 lions.

what can i run them with?

there must be plenty options out there other than the 1185?

setup is with SF KT turbohead + FM socket + 3 x 26500 = ??

Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

26500 is standard C-size, so unless they are larger than that, which would be an extremely unlikely mistake for AW to make, the answer is yes.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

With 3 x 17670, the 1185 can instaflash in some cases. 3 x IMR26500 will instaflash for sure with 1185 due to lower internal resistance. I'm not sure if soft start would help at all, you might need to use a regulator of some sort.

The 64623 should be well suited to 4 cells.

The 64432 IRC and 64440 IRC should be good with 5 cells.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

With 3 x 17670, the 1185 can instaflash in some cases. 3 x IMR26500 will instaflash for sure with 1185 due to lower internal resistance. I'm not sure if soft start would help at all, you might need to use a regulator of some sort.
I see your point.

Just done some calculations, based on the imposition of a 1 ohm NTC, and assuming NO resistance mods.

The internal resistance of a Maglite has been previously estimated on this forum as 0.177 ohms, so adding to that the NTC resistance at that current of about 0.13 ohms, I reckon that, even if the cells hold up at 4.11V each under load, the 1185 will then see about 11.3V, a full volt below the flashpoint. And of course only about 9.3V on initial switchon with cold NTC.

But all this depends upon the Maglite having that much internal resistance. One new out of the packet might have less...
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

There was some good research done on NTCs by LuxLuthor, and IIRC the problem he highlighted is that there is wide variance in performance, even between 2 pcs with the same specs.

I'm sure Monkeyboy is right about 3x26500 flashing a WA1185. This is a general problem with IMR cells, that there will be less voltage sag than with the equivalent size LiCo cells.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

but i already got the FM C host ... :(

FM "C" extender I hope...

BigLeef $urefire series is currently perfect solution for multiple cells...

and... some of super bulbs will not fit into the neck of SF turbohead.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

Mmm... I'm thinking mag623 in a 3c or 4c size
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

With 3 x 17670, the 1185 can instaflash in some cases. 3 x IMR26500 will instaflash for sure with 1185 due to lower internal resistance. I'm not sure if soft start would help at all, you might need to use a regulator of some sort.

The 64623 should be well suited to 4 cells.

The 64432 IRC and 64440 IRC should be good with 5 cells.

I agree with monkeyboy's post about the IRC options. Luxluthor's excellent bulb tests show some good possibilities.

What do you folks think about 5x IMR26500's in a 4D body, high temp kiu switch, FM reflector, boro lens, and, say the IRC 65W Osram bulb? Right now I have IRC 35W, 50W, and 65W bulbs along with the other components. Do not have the 26500's yet.

(Sometime back before I got really addicted to the hotwire bug, I would run 5x C alkalines in the 4D body to overdrive the stock 4D bulb. Sure looks like to me that the 26500s are close to the same size as alkaline Cs based on AWs specs.)

Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

I agree with monkeyboy's post about the IRC options. Luxluthor's excellent bulb tests show some good possibilities.

What do you folks think about 5x IMR26500's in a 4D body, high temp kiu switch, FM reflector, boro lens, and, say the IRC 65W Osram bulb? Right now I have IRC 35W, 50W, and 65W bulbs along with the other components. Do not have the 26500's yet.
The 65W just might insta:poof: in a fully modded Mag, but with a soft-start it'd be fine for certain, and I bet it would be OK without. The 50W would do great, and would squeeze out enough runtime for me to consider it a very practical light for night walks. The 35W... :( it's only gonna make a couple kilolumens -- and really, it deserves a 6-cell setup to use its full potential. The 50W and 65W should both do quite nice in an unregulated 5-cell.

One thought: that looks like a sweet build in a 4D, but if you could find a 5C tube, I think it'd be even better...
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

Wow. I see some good things that might come out of these cells. :devil: Soon i might have to make sure the fire department is on standby before i fire up any of my lights. i have a nice 12v 100w bulb in mind. lovecpf
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

You can try an WA1166 (11.6V, 1.97A), which runs fine on three Li-Co C-cells, albeit only overdriven for maybe the first 20 minutes. The IMR26500 hold their voltage better so it should remain overdriven longer. The beam from this lamp really is beautiful.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

You can try an WA1166 (11.6V, 1.97A), which runs fine on three Li-Co C-cells, albeit only overdriven for maybe the first 20 minutes. The IMR26500 hold their voltage better so it should remain overdriven longer. The beam from this lamp really is beautiful.
That bulb is only doing ~700 lumens at that voltage if I'm correct?
God, I can't believe I'm saying that, only ~700 lumens...
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

Yep, "only" ~700 (white-hot) lumens, and it fits roadie's FM 3C host, and it won't instaflash. If that's not bright enough, then I'd stick with the 1185 with a soft-start.
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

Yep, "only" ~700 (white-hot) lumens, and it fits roadie's FM 3C host, and it won't instaflash. If that's not bright enough, then I'd stick with the 1185 with a soft-start.
LOL, it isn't roadie's host anymore, I just bought it on CPF/M.:crazy:
Re: What can i run with 3 x C IMR 26500

What do you folks think about 5x IMR26500's in a 4D body, high temp kiu switch, FM reflector, boro lens, and, say the IRC 65W Osram bulb? Right now I have IRC 35W, 50W, and 65W bulbs along with the other components. Do not have the 26500's yet.

This sounds similar to what I am putting together, except I am going to use an AW soft start switch. I have everything I need except the 26500 cells - they should arrive this week. I have some 64458 bulbs (90W) that should draw about 180W and output ~6000 Lumen when used with 5 x 26500 IMR cells.

I am looking forward to powering this sucker up!

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