Bush bore a Z2:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2008
Bush = hack/garage/backyard whatever term you chose.

I have used a drill press before to bore a Surefire 6P , used body that I was not too worried about. It was much easier than I imagined and results much better, a rare thing.

So I felt confident to do a brand new Z2, here's my method:

All the parts required.
Big drill bit with some 80 grit wet n dry taped to it. Also some 120 grit emery(just what I had at hand) I did not use the piece of cardboard - bad idea , not flexible enough.


Trim the wet n dry until you can get it to fit inside the body. Then insert some plain paper to build up the diameter so you can just manage to get the drill into the body.Give some twists by hand otherwise it will stall the drill or you won't be able to keep a grip.


Onto the drill press.

After maybe 1 minute of drilling an 18650 now partially fits.
I use an old DLG brand 18650 - it's close to same diameter as IMR cells I plan to use, saves damaging heatshrink on a good cell.

Switch to the 120 emery now, about 5 mins work (30 secs drilling , dunk in water to cool , etc) and the 18650 now just fits.

Another quick go with the 120 emery then put some 800 grit wet n dry to finish off. Probably a minute or so.


Remove the electrical tape and the goo it leaves behind , refit orings , lube , fit nailbender MC-E dropin and all done!

Then remove head and clean the bucket load of dust out of it :eek:
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Thats a great job you did. The inside does have a good finish to it. Were you able to use a caliper and measure the ID (internal diameter). It also looks like there is no lip or shoulder whatever you want to call it that prevents the battery from coming all the way through by doing it this way, but no biggie. My first bore I didnt leave the shoulder/lip and had a problem with the light assembly making contact (ground) and had to use the piece of foil fix.
BIGLOU: I did not measure , just used the DLG cell as reference.
It's close enough to most common 18650s. AW 2200s are slightly bigger , AW2600s are bigger again.

An AW18650- 2600 or 2900 cell will not fit , even with sticker removed.

I just did another Z2 , added one layer of electrical tape to equal the bigger AW cells. An AW18650-2900 fits with sticker in the 2nd one. Starting to get a little thin though. I'm willing to risk it for the advantage of 18650s.
Newb question: How did you attach the wet/dry to the paper filler to keep it from sliding while doing your mod? I have a C3 I'm thinking about doing this to. Thanks
Newb question: How did you attach the wet/dry to the paper filler to keep it from sliding while doing your mod? I have a C3 I'm thinking about doing this to. Thanks

In the 2nd pic , it's probably not very clear , but you can see the wet n dry attached to the drill bit with some fibreglass reinforced tape. Any decent tape will work I think.

Just go slow , if you make a nice round borer , you will see the lip inside the tail cap end of the body slowly disappear symmetrically, if it starts going oval you can stop before ruining the body. It's like a built in boring guide.
Was the fiberglass tape sticky on both sides?
Everything just spins when I put pressure???
Regards, Chuck:wave:
Was the fiberglass tape sticky on both sides?
Everything just spins when I put pressure???
Regards, Chuck:wave:

Just single sided tape. Once it's all wrapped up tight and in the tube I don't think the tape does much. Obviously wrap the sandpaper in a direction so it won't want to unbind when spinning.
Did a 6P like this about a year ago but used a highspeed corded drill. It took me about 1 1/2 hours. Looks a lot easier with a drillpress!!!!!
Thanks Chodes!
Your post gave me the nerve to bore my Eltezza for 18650.
I used a spindle sander with 80, then 150 grit sleeves.
Then finished with Scotch brite grey bit on long shank in Dremel.
Then 4-O steel wool wrapped around spent Scotch brite.
Came out better than I had hoped for.
Onward Flashoholics!
Regards, Chucklovecpf

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