Buying Cr123's locally?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 19, 2009
I live in Seattle. What's the best price (and where) that I'm likely to find locally for Cr123's?

The best I've found is 2 for $12.00. I thought that I heard that they were much cheaper at Costco but I couldn't find any. At Home Depot (and my grocery store) they are 2 for $12.00.

Any other places that I should try?
If i recall correctly . . . .

Lowe's had SureFire CR123A batteries in a 2-pack, for $5.00.

Don't know if this is still the case.
Seriously, forget getting them locally. Local purchase of CR123 cells should be for emergency use only. (Blackout. You realize you have no spares for your favorite light. That sort of thing.)

I recently bought 12 Energizer CR123 cells online for $16 and change. (Free shipping.) It's just not worth buying them locally.