Bye bye LEDs

signal 13

Jun 28, 2008
I must say my new M3/HO-M3 combination is pretty impressive! I've never seen output like this before! All the other officers around me can't believe the light it puts out! I was able to punch through limo tint for the first time w/ out any probs and light up targets that I never could with LED...

I am reserving my LED for backup only and for non-tactical long-running use, such as with a traffic cone...

I'm sure there are brighter lights out there, but the M3 is the perfect balance of size, output, and runtime...

I'm so freakin stoked about this light...:rock:
I felt the same way as you do when I first got my M4. Then I ended up getting an M3T and finally, an M6. I am now complete :thumbsup: I still EDC LED's though because of the size and runtime.
The only LED I EDC is the Aeon on my keychain. Else, it is an incan for nearly everything else. I simply do not believe that most LED jockeys (particularly the DX/KD groupies) know how much more powerful a simple incan can be. A friend brought over his Elektrolumens P7 (C-Bin) over the other day :) , only to be beaten up near and far by an M6 1185 :( .
Glad you like it Signal 13. :)

I was going to contact you about your question earlier, but since you got it working, it is all good.

Might want to try the EO-M3 if you are using SF CR123A as batteries, if you are using 17500 rechargeable on your light, then the HO-M3 that you have will be a good setup.

Incans has been proven and tested over the 100+ years since it was invented, I am sure it will live on as the simple and reliable way of illumination.


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The only LED I EDC is the Aeon on my keychain. Else, it is an incan for nearly everything else. I simply do not believe that most LED jockeys (particularly the DX/KD groupies) know how much more powerful a simple incan can be. A friend brought over his Elektrolumens P7 (C-Bin) over the other day :) , only to be beaten up near and far by an M6 1185 :( .
For a while I was primarily into LEDs and considered them super impressive compared to "normal" flashlights. Then I bought an N30 which totally blew all of those out of the water and is still king of my collection for throw.

When I first built my ROP, I was honestly underwhelmed, I expected a lot more, and I'd already been spoiled by the HID for sheer "shock and awe" value. However, while it may not have been my "coolest" light, I found I was using it a lot, especially as I'd taken care to preserve cam focusability -- with a MOP reflector and a custom-ground cam I was able to eliminate any "donut holes" and limit the range of focus to a usable range. 2C also meant the light was reasonably easy to carry.

The ROP became my second most used light, and a 3.7V incan running on an 18650 became my #3, as I preferred it to all my comparable LED lights due to improved color rendition. The fact I never use lights for more than 50 minutes at a time made the extra battery life on the LEDs moot, as well. I found my keychain LED was the only LED I was still using. Admittedly that single LED accounts for the majority of my actual flashlight use.

Now however the tide is starting to turn back to LEDs for me, now that LEDs are available in warm and neutral tints. The 18650-size incan (my #3) has been replaced again with a Q2-5A (4000k LED), because color rendition difference is less, and the LED offers variable output. When 5A MC-Es, there's a good chance my ROP's position as #2 could be threatened, as the main way I use the ROP is de-focuesd. If I could get similar output, beam profile, and runtime with acceptable color rendition in a 18650 light, I probably won't use the ROP as often.

Incans will likely remain my go-to option for throw for quite a while, both as they're inherently more concentrated than LEDs of similar output, and becuase runtime is almost never important for throw, where I only need bursts of as much light as I can get for a few seconds at a time.

To be honest though, the main reason for the tide turning away from incans for me has to be an incident where a guest nearly started a fire by inadvertently setting my ROP Bezel down on a table, still on. Had that been my 64623 I wouldn't have been as lucky. That's one problem of having flashlights that can start fires, most people won't treat them with the same respect they would say a lighter or other explicit fire-starter. Even though now I'm starting to install thermal circuit breakers in my incans, I still worry that some of my incans which are capable of starting campfires might also inadverntently start other fires.
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Have you tried a Surefire E2DL ? I'm not saying it will do better but I'm seriously impressed by the blazing throw this has - it's a tight hot spot that is really quite intense. I don't have an M3 to compare it against but I will try my M90 Rattlesnake (about 400 to 500 Lumens) with LF upgrade against it and see how that fairs.
I must say my new M3/HO-M3 combination is pretty impressive! I've never seen output like this before! All the other officers around me can't believe the light it puts out! I was able to punch through limo tint for the first time w/ out any probs and light up targets that I never could with LED...

I am reserving my LED for backup only and for non-tactical long-running use, such as with a traffic cone...

I'm sure there are brighter lights out there, but the M3 is the perfect balance of size, output, and runtime...

I'm so freakin stoked about this light...:rock:
as long as its "normal" lights - which are 6P, 8X, 9N and such - there is no question --> led
larger / more powerful / very short runtime lights --> incan

but lets wait what the new quad-die might do (if it ever comes) ... thats about the current a 9N runs on. Wonder what brighter light's output will be equaled (if getting rid of the heat is possible)
Just got my M4 put together tonight...and WOW...ridiculous throw on this bad boy...

I'm the coolest guy I know right now :rock:
With which lamp assembly? No matter as an M4 w/ anything means that are definitely cool :) .

Right now Im using the MN15 with 2 x 17670 since it came with the KT4 head...going to be using the LF HO-M3T in the future...

With my M3 I'm using the LF HO-M3 with 2x17500...