Flashlight Enthusiast --I came upon this website while doing a search and felt like I needed to share it with y'all. The article says that the red in sunlight, candles and incandescent lighting is good for you and healing. The warm white LEDs may appear warm, but still aren't close to incandescent lighting. If you have to use LEDs, use ones with the highest CRI (97). Also, the flickering (pwm?) of LEDs is also bad for you. Good news though, in another article on another website from December of last year our president deregulated the legislation that was going to kill off incandescent lighting. Bad news from another website says he's being sued for doing that. If our president wins this we can at least have access to healthy lighting again. Don't get me wrong, I find LEDs very handy, useful and efficient, but after reading the article I posted, I might start ordering some incan bulbs.