Can anyone shed some light on this?


Dec 21, 2006
Eastern Pennsylvania
I've come across a SureFire that I didn't even remember buying. :ohgeez: It's a 4 sided White LED A2 that has a very strange serial number. I tried calling SureFire about it yesterday but did not get an answer since they do not track serial #'s.

Here's a picture of it


Sorry but the camera on macro isn't perfect. As you can see the beginning letter in the serial # is a "B". And then the actual # I believe is in the range of the round bodies.

The light works great. The electronics function correctly and I can interchange bezels and tailcaps with other A2's. Is this a special run that I can't find reference to :thumbsup: or is this a counterfeit clone that I am stuck with? :thumbsdow:green:

Thanks all
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If it works fine and fits with other A2 parts, then I doubt it's a counterfeit. SureFire's serial numbers really don't tell you much because the parts are made in batches then assembled at random.
No way that's a counterfeit. It's definitely an real A2. Many it was just part of a batch caught up in cross-over production or maybe you're data on the SN range is incorrect. If your data is correct then I think it makes your light special, which is much better than a fake right! :)
SureFire have grown over the years and moved facilities several times. At one point they had a new larger facility manufacturing some models alongside their existing facility and they used "B" rather than "A" so they could run two laser etching machines at the same time. That's what I understand anyway. I have several different SureFire models with B serial numbers.