Candle mode question

Dark Light

Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2007
My L2D says capable of candle mode, but unlike the mini-mag how do you do this? Is it just meant to be stood up on the tail cap and project the light on the ceiling for the candle mode or does it do something close to the maglite where it will project the light in all directions?
Standing up on it's tail is exactly what people are talking about with candle mode-ing LED lights. If you want the light to go in all directions you'll need a diffuser (link). The diffuser will allow you to project light in all directions when a flat surface isn't available for tail standing, as well as allowing you to hold it and use it like a torch or flare.
Yes that's what they mean, being able to stand on it's end. I just got a diffuser for my Fenix L2D/L1D and even on the lowest setting, it lights up the joint;

Standing up on it's tail is exactly what people are talking about with candle mode-ing LED lights. If you want the light to go in all directions you'll need a diffuser (link). The diffuser will allow you to project light in all directions when a flat surface isn't available for tail standing, as well as allowing you to hold it and use it like a torch or flare.

I'm not sure "what people" you are referring to. Standing a light on its end is 'ceiling bounce' unless the LED is exposed somehow during operation or unless there is some kind of lantern on the LED or head.

Ceiling bounce only works in a room with a reasonably low, well, ceiling. It's useless with high ceilings or outside, and this is where candle mode shines. There's a reason it's called candle mode and that is it works like a candle, ceiling bounce is not like using a candle.

Mag and TnC lights have true candle mode which has its advantages. One of these is to have a diffuse light or candle that actually reduces the length and weight of the light, which is the opposite of what that Fenix product does. The disadvantage is that the LED is no longer protected from the elements once you take off the head. That is why TnC offers a lantern head which still reduces weight and size and further acts as a diffuser with the bead blasted polycarbonate.

I don't mean to nitpick here, but in actual use these differences become critical to understand IMO.

I never referred to "ceiling bounce" as candle mode myself. I'll either tail stand a light for ceiling bounce or take the head off of the flashlight (when applicable) for candle mode.

A magled with head removed would be a candle mode.
A MRV with head removed is a candle mode.

Any light where you can expose the LED close to a 180 degree arc of light, I consider a candle mode light.
Ever taken the lens and reflector out of the M*gLed 3W? Makes a nice wall of light flood. Works well as a candle in a dark living room.