Car Overheating Question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
I got a '01 Crown Vic and have this little overheating issue.
If I run the A/C, it will overheat, very quickly I might add. But if I just drive without the A/C on, there is no problem.
A buddy at work told me my coolant level is probably off, if it was the thermostat it would be hot all the time.
Guess I should add that last week I noticed that I was starting to run hot and found my water level real low and added water.
Thought I'd ask what you guys thought. I just can't afford to get to a mechanic until payday.
What sort of driving are you doing when the engine overheats?

I would be concerned where the water was going, have you noticed any leaks (particularly from the radiator)? Otherwise I would suggest something along the lines of head-gasket failure, i.e. water mixing with the oil or entering the cylinders and leaving via the exhaust. If you can see the oil does it look like mayonnaise?

Is the air conditioning putting undue strain on the engine? When was it last serviced (evacuated/filled)?

Only a few basic questions but it might be indicative.

If it was an older car I's suggest that you check ALL the belts. A newer car probably has an electrically driven fan. Make sure the fan is turning when it heats up.

Water can exit many ways when it overheats, including the overflow . Any water under the car?

Why don't just use your "economic stimulus" check to buy a new car? Or did you blow it all on food or something?
My older accord had two fans, a primary and a secondary. The secondary one turned on when the AC switch was pressed, once the engine temps got up to a certain point. Is your vic supposed to activate that 2nd fan WITH the AC?

Water pumps are usually (knock on wood) pretty reliable/simple devices.

How many miles are on the car? Have you ever flushed the radiator? I usually flush out my radiators on all my cars every spring, before the temps get up.
Ok if it were me I would check the following.

Check for bad head gasket
1. pull the dip stick and look for milks substance
2. check the overflow for oil

Check hoses and leaks.
1. There are 2 small hoses(about .75") that go the the firewall.
2. Check the upper and lower main hoses
3. check the water pump, look for leaking fluid out the weep hole

Verify the cooling fan works.
That year can have a mechanical Or electric fan
1. If electrical, check if the fan is fess to spin. (key out of car0
2. can be wires, relay or sensor.
3. you can junp the fan and see if it does indeed work, if it does...continue to trouble shoot.

If mechanical fan....
After all that, If all the above looks good, I would flush the radiator and change the cooling fan. Replace thermostat

You never did say what motor you have. 2001 had a 4.6 V8. Another common thing to check is a crack the intake. Ford used a Full plastic intake and sometimes that can warp. A new revised intake has a metal reinforced coolant passage.

I hope this helps... Good luck