Carrier shipping times?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
when they say 3-5 days, does it include sundays? i mean, if the thing is already on the plane, why would sundays make any differnce? all likleyhood is that its in there air when it hits 11.50 sat evening right?

"Your item left the United States from NEWARK APT/NEW YORK at 11:48 PM on June 14, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later." - its been like that since the 15th.

so given a maximum of 5 days internationally, it should reach around the 20th of june? given sunday? which depending on the time of day it will reach, is either the 20th or 21st of june for me...21st being a sat, which i dont work, and its shipping to my work address.

just getting really ansty about my ML1...:ohgeez:

this isnt exactly a, not really meant for jeers section..right?

It depends on who the "they say" is. The USPS ONLY has a guaranteed delivery time with the Global Express Guaranteed service, and only because they sub it out to FedEx. All other USPS are average windows which mean very little.
they is usps, service is EMI....looks like ill have to wait till next week then...sigh...

I just spoke with USPS at length a couple days ago to try and get clear information about the various international services and tracking. The woman at their toll-free line (1-800-275-8777) claimed that there is no reliable tracking for Priority Mail, although there are a handful of countries where it does work to varying degrees. She mentioned China, Hong Kong, S. Korea....but said there is still no reliable time frame.

Also no reliable time frame with Express Mail for most countries, except what is quoted at dropoff with Global Express Guaranteed is used...but this Express category supposedly does have reliable tracking from USA, arrival in other country, when into & out of customs, and when delivered.
I have had only good experiences with priority Mail so far. Ive had things arrive within a week from the US (to singapore) which is why i was expecting abit faster service with EMI. Also, priority gets left in your mailbox, and as no one is usually at home during the day, it saves me a trip to the post office. Priority, in my experience, does have a number which can be entered into the tracking thingy, but it stops at Electronic Info Received, then they never update it.

I guess the reason Scott uses at least EMI for international shipping is for the Delivery Confirmation, and tracking.

it arrived...lesson learnt?

never trust USPS, its STILL on dispach..


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