Newly Enlightened
O.K I usally dont let the churches get to me and no i'm not knocking one religion or another but a friends mom said to me last night since I dont celebrate christmas we dont beleive in the same god. I said huh?now I was in a religion that made us study the bible and nowhere in them (i said them cuz i have read a couple and most are the same just worded a little different) does it say to honor christ's birth. (did i missread somthing somewhere).
now it does say to honor his death cuz he gave a wonderful thing to us.
so i would like to ask you am I the peagan? Am I the only MAN!! that refuses to lie to his children about some magical bearded man that fkies thru the air with magical raindeer? (remeber I could b the peagan)
I mean are people that blind to ignore history and believe what other people in power say?
The largest religion in the world wich is catholisism has even said in there cathlic dictonary that christ was not born on dec 25.
(takes a breath)
Would you look at me funny if I told you I dont celebrate christmas?
odds are you would and 99 percent of the time the person that does that doesn.t even know that the christmas thing with santa started less then 200yrs ago. Religious historians attribute Dec. 25th being designated as Christmas to Pope Julius I, sometime in the 4th century A.D. It was set to coincide with the Roman Winter Festivals. The truth is complicated, and it depends upon what tradition you're referring to as "Christmas." "Christmas" as "Christ's Mass," the celebration of Christ's birthday, originated when the Roman Catholic Church decided to concecrate pagan traditions. The Church wanted to convert the pagans of Europe to Christianity, and as a way of doing so, they established a Christian religious meaning to the important and popular celebration of the winter solstice. They chose the birth of Christ because it echoed pagan attributes of the holiday, which celebrated, amongst other things, the rebirth of the Sun. ["rebirth of Sun"/"birth of Son," get it?]. The truth is that, before then, Christians didn't really celebrate Christ's birth; it was his death and resurrection that were supremely important, and his borth was a minor point without a fixed celebration.
It's certain that Jesus ''wasn't'' born on December 25. In fact, the details in the Bible clearly point to his being born in the spring. Placing the holiday of December 25 was a direct attempt to co-opt solstice traditions. Christmas as a ''modern'' celebration, including most of the things we associate with it (Santa Claus, gift-giving, carols, egg nog, etc.), were a Victorian invention. A number of writers and politicians, including Clement C. Moore ("The Night Before Christmas"), popularized Christmas as a family tradition, in part to supplant undesirable older traditions that had become part of Christmas (including "misrule" traditions we now associate with Halloween!). For a detailed and fascinating account of the Victorian Christmas invention, read Stephen Nissenbaum's excellent "The Battle For Christmas."Yes I just copied and pasted that last bit but thats history and the TRUTH.(takes another breath) sigh thank you for letting me vent cpf cafe. I just cant believe people think i'm evil cuz I wont be a sheep in todays society and I still believe gods word is infalable even though the majority of people are taking his words and turning them to lies. be true to your god and family tell them the truth. Mods. This may thread may spark some strong emotions in some people and after proof reading it it sounds like im ranting so feel free to move it to the underground if you so desire.
now it does say to honor his death cuz he gave a wonderful thing to us.
so i would like to ask you am I the peagan? Am I the only MAN!! that refuses to lie to his children about some magical bearded man that fkies thru the air with magical raindeer? (remeber I could b the peagan)
I mean are people that blind to ignore history and believe what other people in power say?
The largest religion in the world wich is catholisism has even said in there cathlic dictonary that christ was not born on dec 25.
(takes a breath)
Would you look at me funny if I told you I dont celebrate christmas?
odds are you would and 99 percent of the time the person that does that doesn.t even know that the christmas thing with santa started less then 200yrs ago. Religious historians attribute Dec. 25th being designated as Christmas to Pope Julius I, sometime in the 4th century A.D. It was set to coincide with the Roman Winter Festivals. The truth is complicated, and it depends upon what tradition you're referring to as "Christmas." "Christmas" as "Christ's Mass," the celebration of Christ's birthday, originated when the Roman Catholic Church decided to concecrate pagan traditions. The Church wanted to convert the pagans of Europe to Christianity, and as a way of doing so, they established a Christian religious meaning to the important and popular celebration of the winter solstice. They chose the birth of Christ because it echoed pagan attributes of the holiday, which celebrated, amongst other things, the rebirth of the Sun. ["rebirth of Sun"/"birth of Son," get it?]. The truth is that, before then, Christians didn't really celebrate Christ's birth; it was his death and resurrection that were supremely important, and his borth was a minor point without a fixed celebration.
It's certain that Jesus ''wasn't'' born on December 25. In fact, the details in the Bible clearly point to his being born in the spring. Placing the holiday of December 25 was a direct attempt to co-opt solstice traditions. Christmas as a ''modern'' celebration, including most of the things we associate with it (Santa Claus, gift-giving, carols, egg nog, etc.), were a Victorian invention. A number of writers and politicians, including Clement C. Moore ("The Night Before Christmas"), popularized Christmas as a family tradition, in part to supplant undesirable older traditions that had become part of Christmas (including "misrule" traditions we now associate with Halloween!). For a detailed and fascinating account of the Victorian Christmas invention, read Stephen Nissenbaum's excellent "The Battle For Christmas."Yes I just copied and pasted that last bit but thats history and the TRUTH.(takes another breath) sigh thank you for letting me vent cpf cafe. I just cant believe people think i'm evil cuz I wont be a sheep in todays society and I still believe gods word is infalable even though the majority of people are taking his words and turning them to lies. be true to your god and family tell them the truth. Mods. This may thread may spark some strong emotions in some people and after proof reading it it sounds like im ranting so feel free to move it to the underground if you so desire.