Changing bulbs & Mods


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2010
Ontario, Canada
I have the Sunforce 10M CP spot

I opened it to check out which bulb and as most of you know it has the P43T, 60/55watt. Based on what I read online this bulb is nothing short of a typcial car headlight (please correct me on that fact)

I surfed online to check charts and this link

tends to show a variety of bulbs.

So, my question:

I want to upgrade this light to something even brighter. Knowing that a Candle Power rating is something of guess work, I can still know the lumens and wattage.
  • How high a wattage dare I go before I've gone too far, with respect to current draw or, more importantly, heat dissipation? I don't mind drilling the extra hole(s) to dissipate the extra heat
  • How high a wattage should I look at before I notice an appreciable difference. I suppose I'm trying to match that 40M CP light
This will be my first mod on any light so maybe some of you can advise. Maybe someone has already gone this route and recommend a bulb TIA

BTW I just double check the original headlight bulbs from my Ford Explorer 51watts (they were replaced with SilverStars about 3 years ago)