Charger Advices?


Mar 14, 2008
Oahu, Hawaii
Looking for suggestions on a charger to complement the Maha MH-C801D AA/AAA instrument. I know I can use the MH-C801D to charge the Eneloops for the AA's used in my D10 and the Maglite, but may I find out:
  1. If the MH-C801D can deal with something like a 14500 or similar?
  2. What would be a good and versatile charger (and a good dealer) to take care of the CR123 or similar-sized cells? (Also just picked up a SF 6PL)
Or is there a one-unit-does-it-all type of device that most CPF enthusiasts would eventually acquire? All suggestions welcome.

With Aloha,

There is no quality charger which can do both NiMH and Li-Ion. Keep in mind CR123's are not rechargable. 16340's (RCR123's) are.

Many CPF'ers end up getting something like a Maha C9000 or LaCrosse BC900 eventually for NiMH cells, and something else for Li-Ion's
and something else for Li-Ion's

Any suggestions on Li-Ion chargers? More specifically, is there a universal charger for most Li-Ion cells? Browsing through the different threads here and CPFMarketPlace, it almost seems one has to buy a dedicated charger with the cells.

With Aloha,
