I was wondering if there was a charger that you could set the stop voltage, for example if i wanted it to stop my eneloop aa at 1.4 or my 18650 stop at 4v? I have a Nitecore D4 that I have been using for years now and I think I am interested in one of the Xtar, maybe the vc4 plus, dragon vp4 plus, or the ac power one(if there isnt one that has a stop charge functionality) This brings me to a second question, I assume it doesnt matter, but, will the chargers that connect via usb c into a wall plug adapter charge just the same speed as the ac power chargers? I think since you can set the amps, it will be, but I am not sure and figured it would worth the ask. I think it is a neat idea with the usb c to a, you could charge batteries in a vehicle while driving or something.
1. is there a charger out there, that you can set it to stop charging once a batter in that slot gets to a certain voltage
2. xtar vc4 plus or dragon(or other suggestions, not worried much about cost effective, more focused quality/function)
3. does the usb c input charge at same speed as ac power input
Thank you all for any time and consideration in reading this post!!
1. is there a charger out there, that you can set it to stop charging once a batter in that slot gets to a certain voltage
2. xtar vc4 plus or dragon(or other suggestions, not worried much about cost effective, more focused quality/function)
3. does the usb c input charge at same speed as ac power input
Thank you all for any time and consideration in reading this post!!