Hello Donn,
OK, the Schulze combination is a bit expensive... but it is an excellent charger.
A very cheap option requires you to have all the intelligence and has no safety's built in, is to use a power supply. Mastech offers power supplies that allow you to set the voltage and the current you want to charge at. Keep in mind that you are responsible for using the correct settings, and if you don't, you could end up burning your house down.
You can come up with a holder that connects all 6 of your cells in parallel, then charge them, in parallel, to 4.2 volts. If you got one that was capable of 20 amps, you could still charge 6 3200 mAh cells in around an hour, but 20 amp power supplies are more expensive. I believe the smallest unit Mastech offers is a 3 amp one. That unit would be OK for your smaller cells, but it would take around 9 hours to charge 6 3200 cells in parallel.
The problem with charging in series is that the cells get out of balance. With Li-Ion cells, when the voltage gets too high, they rapidly vent with flames. The solution to series charging Li-Ion cells is to use a balancer with them. The balancer equalizes the voltage of each cell, so they all stay balanced. With a balancer, series charging is safe.
You can do a search on the internet for balancers to get an idea on how they work. The Astro Blinky balancer would be a good place to start. I believe they are good for 3 cells in series, but there is a way to hook 2 of them together to balance a 6 cell pack.