Cheap Knife Test...Picture + Video Clip!


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
Hey guys and gals...I was pretty bored today so I decided to watch the cold steel "proof" video today once again, lol...If you don't know what that is, well its just a video showing their knives, swords, and other products, and how good they perfom...Anyway I thought I would try one of the tests myself on a cheapo knife...I tried the bottle test, where they cut a 2L bottle filled with water in half...I am a folder guy myself so I dont own any fixed blades big enough to cut a 2L bottle in half...but I did manage to dig out an old Frost Cutlery bowie I got about 5 years ago for $10 at a flea market...I boguht this knife to have a cheap larger knife...but I never used it, not once...My 1st attempt was a failure, I knocked the bottle across the table and hardly scratched the plastic, and that was with the factory edge...but about 5 minutes on my sgarpmaker and I was back to try again...Here are my results...If anything this should be a commercial for the, too bad I deleted the failed attempt before sharpening the knife...This blade is 440C...

I would like to point out I am not trying to poke fun at Cold Steels videos, because I actually do enjoy watching them, I just wanted to try this myself, and I can't afford to buy a side of beef for cutting tests so I had to go with the 2L soda bottle, lol...ENJOY! :grin2:

Here is the video clip:

Here is the Picture:

lol, yeah and oldie but a goodie...I use to watch that show myself and I saw it live...I felt really bad because I couldn't stop laughing at, well you get what you pay for...
i have some cold steel knives and know for a fact that they fail the manila rope cut test and it was only 3/4 inch. i tested the kobun and recon1 and they usualy dulled on the first or second cut and never made it through, after getting a little upset i grabed my emerson CQC-8 took one swing and understood why i just paid $200 for this knife it also cut the 3/4 inch rope 13 more times before it would not cut any more.
I have owned several Cold Steel folders before and I have been happy with most of them, but I use my knives for light cuttign work, so my users don't get pushed to the limit enough to really tell the difference between a $50 knife and a $300 + knife...
now try slicing it like that agian, but this time empty and we will see how truly sharp it is.:naughty:

lol, thats exactly what someone else said ona nother forum...Yeah, thats not gonna happen with this knife...Toi be honest Im not sure if anyone can do that with any knife? The water is their for stability, without it, even a nice knife would bounce the bottle across the room, or table...But if someone thinks they can do this with an empty bottle I would love to see it, infact I love all videos showing any knife cuttign tests...I fidn them interesteing and entertaining...Im gonna try this again with 2 bottles in a row soon, stay posted...
You could use video editing software to slow the video down.
Yeah but not that slow...I was just goofing off when I made that vid, I could ahve used my tripod and got in closer then slowed it down a bit, but I can't come close to that vid, the quality alone is great not to mention over 6,ooo frames per second!!!!!!