A while back there was a thread with a whole bunch of retailers who sold maglights online in various colors. now I've tried every spelling of Mag (mag,m*g,M@g) and light (light, lite) I can think of and I cant find the thread.
iirc there was something like optics HQ that sold them really affordable in lots of different colors.
can anyone lend some insight or just name a website or two? I'll be buying a 4c and a 3c, as well as some accessories (at least the traffic cone one), free shipping is a plus
(as a side not, typing maglite in google is a fruitless search)
iirc there was something like optics HQ that sold them really affordable in lots of different colors.
can anyone lend some insight or just name a website or two? I'll be buying a 4c and a 3c, as well as some accessories (at least the traffic cone one), free shipping is a plus
(as a side not, typing maglite in google is a fruitless search)