Cheapest Maglites online?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 21, 2006
A while back there was a thread with a whole bunch of retailers who sold maglights online in various colors. now I've tried every spelling of Mag (mag,m*g,M@g) and light (light, lite) I can think of and I cant find the thread.

iirc there was something like optics HQ that sold them really affordable in lots of different colors.

can anyone lend some insight or just name a website or two? I'll be buying a 4c and a 3c, as well as some accessories (at least the traffic cone one), free shipping is a plus

(as a side not, typing maglite in google is a fruitless search)
A while back there was a thread with a whole bunch of retailers who sold maglights online in various colors. now I've tried every spelling of Mag (mag,m*g,M@g) and light (light, lite) I can think of and I cant find the thread.

iirc there was something like optics HQ that sold them really affordable in lots of different colors.

can anyone lend some insight or just name a website or two? I'll be buying a 4c and a 3c, as well as some accessories (at least the traffic cone one), free shipping is a plus

(as a side not, typing maglite in google is a fruitless search)
I believe it was in the Flashlight Collecting Forum. Try
I saw that other cheap maglite thread too but heasitated to point you towards it since they are looking to get them in Austrailia. If you're in the U.S. I'm sure there are cheaper ways to get them, especially with shipping. I'm looking for a good 2D mag myself so I'm interested in the best prices. So far I've found a site that has them for $24US shipped.

Anyone have better prices shipped for the U.S.?
I saw that other cheap maglite thread too but heasitated to point you towards it since they are looking to get them in Austrailia. If you're in the U.S. I'm sure there are cheaper ways to get them, especially with shipping. I'm looking for a good 2D mag myself so I'm interested in the best prices. So far I've found a site that has them for $24US shipped.

Anyone have better prices shipped for the U.S.?
They're about $17 at Lowes, Walmart, Home Depot. Why the desire to get 'em shipped? Lowes seems to have a decent selection of colors to.
I was pricing them online and they were coming up $32. I'm looking again and I see that there are some for $16+/-. The more expensive ones aren't specifically saying LED though. It's kinda wierd. I think I'll go the Lowes since they finally built one nearby and check out the selection.
I was pricing them online and they were coming up $32. I'm looking again and I see that there are some for $16+/-. The more expensive ones aren't specifically saying LED though. It's kinda wierd. I think I'll go the Lowes since they finally built one nearby and check out the selection.

It depends which you are looking for. The regular 2D MagLite for example goes for around $16 at any WalMart, Lowes, HomeDepot, etc. The 2D MagLED goes for about $32 unless you catch it on sale for as low as $10 during Black Friday sales or clearance.
Thanks for the help, everyone. I think I'm just used to being able to find everything cheaper online...but this seems to be an exception.

I just got back from Lowes and have already completed my first M@g mod, just a simple one. 2D mag + 3cell LED upgrade ($2 clearance @ target, sorry last one), 1" schedule 40 PVC, and 3 C batteries.

I basically bought the Mag to make use of the $2 LED, LOL. I do intend to start picking up all the parts to make this into a DD P7 though.
Thanks for the help, everyone. I think I'm just used to being able to find everything cheaper online...but this seems to be an exception.

I just got back from Lowes and have already completed my first M@g mod, just a simple one. 2D mag + 3cell LED upgrade ($2 clearance @ target, sorry last one), 1" schedule 40 PVC, and 3 C batteries.

I basically bought the Mag to make use of the $2 LED, LOL. I do intend to start picking up all the parts to make this into a DD P7 though.

Let me get this straight. You picked up a $2 MagLED drop in? Insane.
Let me get this straight. You picked up a $2 MagLED drop in? Insane.

Well $2.91 or something, but yeah. I would've picked up a bunch for everyone else but it was the last one. It was on a clearance endcap in Target hidden behind a bunch of other random junk.
Well $2.91 or something, but yeah. I would've picked up a bunch for everyone else but it was the last one. It was on a clearance endcap in Target hidden behind a bunch of other random junk.
And I thought I did OK getting 'em for $4.98 each when they were 75% off. :ohgeez:
heh if anyone cares I found the site in the thread I was originally looking for:

Opics planet

they have great prices, tons of colors, free shipping, and an awesome selection of accessories for both maglite and surefire

and for the sake (and sanity) of anyone in the future looking for this thread:
maglite maglight m@g m*g m@glite m@glight m*glite M*glight
