Choosing a Tactical Police Duty Light


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2008
Hello all!! I'm brand new to this forum, but what I have read thus far has been very helpful.

I'm currently in the Police Academy and I am looking for a good tactical flashlight to use while in training and on duty after graduation. I currently have a SureFire 6P, but am looking for something better suited for Police work.

My Lieutenant suggested the Gladius from BlackHawk (Night-Ops):

This light seems to have most everything I would want, but I'm still new to tactical lights.

Any suggestions or input would be appreciated!!

My Lieutenant suggested the Gladius from BlackHawk (Night-Ops):
This light seems to have most everything I would want, but I'm still new to tactical lights. Any suggestions or input would be appreciated!!

Fellow LEO here I would get the Insight Technology HX2 Typhoon 2. Its the same as the Gladius (Insight makes the Gladuis for Night-Ops and its brighter 120 lumens IIRC). Same user interface. I know because I have owned one of each (a Gladuis and a HX2 Typhoon).
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You can also swap in P60 style LED drop-ins to your 6P(this thread has a good list of them). There are also numerous tailcaps that you can swap in too.

What light suits you the best would depend on how you will use it.

LAPD chose the pelican 7060 for a reason (s)
built solid
side and tailcap switches
on and on and on and on

I would choose the fenix TK10
I like a good quality single mode LED in the Surefire 6P. I also like rechargeable batteries.

Good options would be:

Surefire 6P + Malkoff M60 + 2 x AW R123


Surefire 6P + Dereelight 1S + 1 x 17670

I use a slight variation of the bottom option. I have a Leef 18650 body, Surefire Bezel, Surefire clickie tail cap, Dereelight 1S and a AW 18650. It is a great, simple, no nonsense light.

I also use and LOVE this light holster. I really like bezel down carry on the non-weapon side of the belt:

I have been playing with the Fenix TK10 and think it would make a good duty light too. I am not aware or any way to carry it bezel down and for me that is enough reason not to use it for work.
Any EXTERNALLY rechargeable light over 100 lumen. Most of the LEO I know (I am close with many) work 12 hours shifts. Particularly when they work back to back 12 hour shifts, they do not like unscrewing tailcaps, charging individual cells, and then waking up in the morning to put it all back together again.

I got to play with my LAPD buddy's 7060 and I gotta say that I am quite impressed. Even though it's polymer, it feels so dense and solid. It's definitely a thrower with it's smooth lens and big reflector. I love the switch on it. Sometimes people dislike clicky switches on so called "tactical" lights because they may be accidentally clicked on. However, with the 7060, it's a lot stiffer than other brands. So while it's very easy to momentary the light, it takes a deep and heavy press to click it on.

I would also recommend that you have a secondary light that runs on primaries such as a G2ZL or with drop in.
Also a LEO here. Your lieutentant and Depusm12 have made a good recommendation on the Insight Typhoon 2--it's just a brighter Gladius. I don't have one myself, but I've played with them a couple times.

I personally use a First Light Liberator ST and a Surefire X-300 weaponlight. I sometimes pull out a Surefire M6 or Wolf Eyes Boxer 24 Watt for more light. I have shot with all of them during night training. The Boxer's 1800 lumens makes it possible to see targets that otherwise would be hidden. The X-300 gives you a stable two-hand grip for maximum accuracy while potentially freeing up a hand for other uses. The Liberator is a jack of all trades, master of none--and I probably use it the most. However, it is so expensive, I haven't been able to recommend it in good conscience--it's a poor value. Everybody who sees it thinks it's pretty nifty, though.

The Pelican 7060 is carried by at least 2 or 3 of my coworkers. It seems like a good choice too.
I would also highly recommend that you get a Malkoff M60 (High Output version) for your Surfire 6P. This will put out tons more light than the standard P60 incan lamp that came in your 6P, with longer runtime as well. This set-up will likely last your entire career should you hang onto it that long. Here's a link to the Malkoff drop-in:
He is currently "Out-Of-Stock" of the M60's, but he regularly has more of them available within a week. I know, I know! It aint cheap, but it is the best/most solidly built option out there, and your life may depend on it someday, so dont go cheap!

I would also consider getting another light to serve as either a secondary to your 6P, or use your 6P as a back-up. While the Gladius/Typhoon-2 is a good suggestion, I would personally hold out until the new Surefire Optimus comes out, which is allegedly supposed to be sometime this month.

The best advise I can give you on light usage is....

Use your lights sparingly. Dont be the guy that stands around on calls with his light clicked ON for no real reason. Stay out of the habit of using the "Constant ON" function on your light if it has one, unless absolutely necessary. This is a bad habit for several reasons. For one, you waste your batteries. Secondly, if someone decides that they want to take a few shots at you while standing out in the open with your light turned ON, you will become a "Bullet magnet". You also end up "silhouetting" anyone standing in front of you when going into a dark building/structure for a search.

While a strobe function looks cool, and does have some practical uses during traffic details, I still do not consider it a viable tool for "disorienting" bad guys. I feel that a duty light should be bright enough to temporarily blind someone of their night-vision, and if they are so wound up that a full power blast in the eyes from 150+ lumens doesnt have the desired effect, then it is time to go to a different tool instead of trying to impress them with your "Tactical strobe".

Stay safe!
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Since you already have a SF 6P there are plenty of drop ins as already mentioned. Grab one of them and some rechargeables and you should have a good Tactical Police Duty Light. I like Wolf Eyes lights myself due to the value for money, but since you already have the SF there is certainly no need to buy another host, unless you really want to.

My main recommendation is to use a light that will accept rechargeables, while primaries may be cheap in the US, regular use (as occurs in our jobs) will still make the cost add up very quickly. I disagree that the light HAS to be externally rechargeable, unless that is your preference, removing batteries from the light to recharge really isn't that difficult. Another positive of removable batteries is being able to carry a second set of rechargeables that can be swapped when required, similar to primaries.

Good luck with your choice and in particular with your training and :welcome:
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Good options would be:

Surefire 6P + Malkoff M60 + 2 x AW R123

This is what I use on duty. I charge the batteries every 2 days. I don't use up much power because it usually takes 15-30 mins to recharge the batteries (and I work midnights).
Thank you for everyone's input!!!

I think I'm going to go with 2 options, first I'm going to upgrade my SF 6P with the Malkoff M60 + 2 x AW R123. Do I need to purchase anything else for this upgrade?? Or any other suggestions to improve the 6P??

Second, I'm either going to wait to get the Surefire Optimus or get the Insight Technology HX2 Typhoon 2.

Thanks again for everyone's input!! I want to make sure I have a good reliable flashlight, as having a proper light source can be just as important as having the proper firearm in Law Enforcement.
Malkoff M60 for your SF 6P. That's all I have to say about that!

Dude, you cant beat this setup.The 6P is very easy to carry on the duty belt + the Malkoff M60 gives you amazing output with good throw and
The best advise I can give you on light usage is....

Use your lights sparingly. Dont be the guy that stands around on calls with his light clicked ON for no real reason. Stay out of the habit of using the "Constant ON" function on your light if it has one, unless absolutely necessary. This is a bad habit for several reasons. For one, you waste your batteries. Secondly, if someone decides that they want to take a few shots at you while standing out in the open with your light turned ON, you will become a "Bullet magnet". You also end up "silhouetting" anyone standing in front of you when going into a dark building/structure for a search.

While a strobe function looks cool, and does have some practical uses during traffic details, I still do not consider it a viable tool for "disorienting" bad guys. I feel that a duty light should be bright enough to temporarily blind someone of their night-vision, and if they are so wound up that a full power blast in the eyes from 150+ lumens doesnt have the desired effect, then it is time to go to a different tool instead of trying to impress them with your "Tactical strobe".

Stay safe!

Excellent advice! Very well stated! Not many people outside Law Enforcement really understand this. I wish more of the designers of flashlights understood this.

If I worked nights, I would probably spend the money on a Pelican 7060. It's got great thow, and the dual switch is a bonus. If you shop around, you can get one for about $120. By the time you buy a SureFire, Malkoff drop-in, and rechargables batteries, you are over that amount. Keep the 6P on your belt or in your bag as a backup, and buy the Pelican!

Be safe!

-- Frank
The M60 + rechargeable is a pretty good idea.

This tailcap could also be helpful if you want multimode(you can email them ti see if you can get just the tailcap, I think they also have a discount for CPF users).
I think I'm going to go with 2 options, first I'm going to upgrade my SF 6P with the Malkoff M60 + 2 x AW R123. Do I need to purchase anything else for this upgrade?? Or any other suggestions to improve the 6P??

I would get a SF V70 holster, excellent holster for your duty belt, very quick to present and put away.

Second, I'm either going to wait to get the Surefire Optimus or get the Insight Technology HX2 Typhoon 2.

I'm also waiting for the Optimus and have an upgraded Gladius which is basically the same as a Typhoon 2. The Gladius is very good but you wont lack for light with your 6P (I'm using a C2 with the same set up as my duty light) and I'd wait for the Optimus (unless you can find a good used one cheap on BST and then eventualy have all three :D)

Best of luck with the rest of your time at the academy and then stay safe on the streets.