Choosing the right LED for SF mod

Sep 24, 2008
I've just purchased an old style KL1 (ribbed) head and want to upgrade the LED and possibly the driver to be brighter. I plan on using the same optics it came with, Fraen optics I believe. I am looking for suggestions on what a good replacement would be, something that has at least 100 lumens of out put and would still fit. Thanks in advance.
The old KL1 uses a NX-01 optic. A SSC P4 would be your best choice but the NX-01 doesn't work that great with the NX-01 but it's not bad.

Be sure to unscrew the bezel first, remove, the optic, & unsolder the wires before unscrewing the second half to access the driver. If you don't you'll rip the wires off the board. I would remove the emitter heatsink our of the head before unscrewing the bottom half but you can do it without removing it if your careful.
I would leave the driver alone and swap the LED for an SSC-P4. The stock optic is OK, but I'd replace it with a smooth reflector like you can get from Photonfanatic. I have one of these oldies but goodies KL1 with a VO bin Seoul and is still one of my favorite go-to lights around the house.
Thank you all for the advice. I was wanting to keep the stock optics because I like its throw and I want to avoid a floody beam like that of the KL4. Are there smooth reflectors that will still give a tight beam?