Hmm well saw something interesting at BigLots just now. Tacky lawn reindeer lit internally by LED xmas lights.
But, the look was odd and I looked closer. The reindeer's just a frame covered by a clear holographic vinyl. Every LED underneath shows up as 6 images.
I was kinda curious about this tech. However, all the google or ebay hits I get for "holographic vinyl" or even "clear holographic vinyl" are giving me the opaque but reflective adhesive vinyl used in signmaking.
I might have a use for this stuff. It might have benefits over standard diffusing film but we'll see. Who supplies it, esp cheap and small quantities?
But, the look was odd and I looked closer. The reindeer's just a frame covered by a clear holographic vinyl. Every LED underneath shows up as 6 images.
I was kinda curious about this tech. However, all the google or ebay hits I get for "holographic vinyl" or even "clear holographic vinyl" are giving me the opaque but reflective adhesive vinyl used in signmaking.
I might have a use for this stuff. It might have benefits over standard diffusing film but we'll see. Who supplies it, esp cheap and small quantities?