Clip Etiquette! Opinions needed on custom Ra clips?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 6, 2009
Jo Daviess Co, IL
Hey guys! I'm happy to say I have just purchased my first Ra Clicky but like so many of you here I am not a fan at all of the big fat clip that comes with the light. Being late to the show so to speak it looks as if Chip has flown the coop and obtaining one of his clips is not an option to us new Ra owners. :mad: Anyhow I just would like some quick opinions on etiquette. I was thinking about purchasing a small piece of titanium and having a small batch of bezel down clips made up for the Ra Clicky (15-20 pieces). The only problem is there are not a whole lot of other directions one can go as far a design is concerned other than the design Chip has offered. Sure I could come up with a design that is more extravagant but I want a simple and low cost design. nobody wants to pay over $50 for a flashlight clip right? So what do you all think, is there something different I can do with a bezel down clip in keeping with the K.I.S.S. train of thought? Would a clip like Chips bezel down offering no matter how small the run, be in bad form? I'd like some opinions on this and possibly any ideas. Thank You!

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Its a free country bro... :thumbsup:

AFAIK, he had no patents on them or anything...

There is only so many ways a clip can look right? :D

Go for it! :cool: