Clip for KL1 on an E1...


Newly Enlightened
Oct 23, 2002
Since the clip on the non-Elite E1 is on the bezel, it goes away if you install a KL1, right?

Is there any place besides Laser Products that carries E-series pieces/parts?

When I do get a KL1, I'll need a clip; and I'm assuming the E1 Elite clip will fit a non-Elite E1 with the KL1 in place???
Well, so much for that idea. Thanks to the most excellent photos on Sean's site, I see that the E1e clip is attached to the body of the light.

Damn - I guess I need more than six minutes to get a helpful reply in here.

Yes, the E1e is the only answer if you want to retain the clip with the KL1 head. Bummer, huh?
Yup. Ah, who needs an LED for EDC anyway?

Of course, I could just put it in my pocket; but then I could use the X-5 for that.


Yes, the body has a dovetail and the clip can be pushed out. A brass punch and mallet would probably work.
If you are going to remove the clip from an e1e or e2e, make sure you take the o-ring off first. Learned that one the hard way.

Also, I had one that I could not remove by hand, so I took a flat blade screwdriver, put a piece of adhesive tape over the tip (to avoid scratches), and used a mallet. Put the screwdriver tip inside the U bend of the clip, and with one very light tap, it came out.