Clip For Quark MINI 123


Newly Enlightened
Jun 16, 2007
Hi All,

I did a search looking for a clip for a mini 123 and only found a
suspension and home made titanium clip.

Do any of you know of a pocket clip you can get (buy) for the
Quark Mini 123, I'd like one for the Quark regular 123 also, so
it would fit deeper in the pocket, if it's available?

I don't have these lights yet, I wanted to buy the clips first.

Thanks for your help!
to answer your question, no, i don't know where to find one,

but i just have to say that the suspension clip is very very super awesome. i never planned on getting one, but i kept seeing people mention how much they like it. i ordered one just to check out and didn't think i'd really use it, but now it's with me everyday.

man, if David put out clips for the MiNis, he would rake in some dough. i would buy 2, maybe 3 of them without hesitation (i have 4 MiNis).

hey David, deep pocket clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip!
I use a clip from a AA light. Just a little bit of stretching required.


hey flying geoff turtle, isn't that a rare earth magnet glued to the back of your mini? i think i remember that from another thread. i think i might do that to mine; i wonder if maybe that wouldn't work so well with the suspension clip...:thinking:
to answer your question, no, i don't know where to find one,

but i just have to say that the suspension clip is very very super awesome. i never planned on getting one, but i kept seeing people mention how much they like it. i ordered one just to check out and didn't think i'd really use it, but now it's with me everyday.

man, if David put out clips for the MiNis, he would rake in some dough. i would buy 2, maybe 3 of them without hesitation (i have 4 MiNis).

hey David, deep pocket clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip!

Hi Burntoshine,

It's good to know the clip works so well I'll get the suspension clip for myself, if I can't find a regular pocket clip but my wife wants a Mini 123 too and she wants it clipped to an outside pocket of her purse and I don't think the little suspension clip would fit over the thickish leather of her purse.

Hi Guys,

If that's a magnet, does it have any bad effects on the battery?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm fairly new at this.

The Vital Gear Clip would work, but need to drill holes & tap threads.
The clip on my QM123 started its life on an Energizer 1AA that was sold at Target a few years ago. There may also have been a similar River Rock with the same clip.

That is indeed a magnet superglued to the light. I've done this to my Zebralight, Maratac AAA, and L0D, too. There's no effect on operation that I've noticed. And the glue is removable with no ill effects on the anodizing using nail polish remover.

man, if David put out clips for the MiNis, he would rake in some dough. i would buy 2, maybe 3 of them without hesitation (i have 4 MiNis).

hey David, deep pocket clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip!

I have a hard time understanding why it would have been hard to make a body similar to the iTP EOS series to add a removable clip. I have one and it's been my EDC while the Mini123 has only been sitting on the shelf.
Hi all,

Thank you for all the suggestions!

I couldn't find the Energizer 1AA or River Rock version of the clips Flying Turtle mentioned.

I sent an email to Vital Gear to see if they would sell their clip and screws separately but I'm not sure what a machinist would charge to drill and tap the light so I could get the clip on it. I don't have the tools or talent to do the job myself.

I can't bring myself to use the Maglite clip on that cute little Mini light.

I think I'll buy a suspension clip and see if it fits on the leather pocket of my wife's purse.

If anyone knows of any other options, please let my know.

Thanks again for your time and trouble!
Hi again,

I will be getting the Mini 123 and a suspension clip for myself. Does anyone know of a pocket clip (not suspension type) for a Quark Mini AA that I can get for my wife?

Thanks for your help!
Thanks Tucolino, that should work for us, and thanks for the photo!


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