Cloverfield aka 1-18-08


Jun 14, 2007
South Texas

I read somewhere, sometime ago (call me "Mr. Vaguely recalling" I know. . .) that a Godzilla remake was being made. I betting this is it!

I read somewhere, sometime ago (call me "Mr. Vaguely recalling" I know. . .) that a Godzilla remake was being made. I betting this is it!

I heard that too, a J.J. Abrams Godzilla should be good.
It's not Godzilla.
The company that owns the rights to Godzilla doesn't want another american godzilla made.

Abrams or someone came out and said that it's not a remake or a sequel.
Ah ok. Maybe it is indeed another "monster-tramples-and-devours-everything-in-its-path" genre.
I just saw the movie Cloverfield

It wasnt long before I was thinking "why hasn't anyone pulled out a flashlight yet?!"
I honestly had my eyes closed for a good amount of the movie. The whole shakey handheld camera thing was just making me feel motion sick, same with my friends. There was a good handfull of people who just left mid movie, including my friend. The general attitude I got from people leaving the theater was "Im glad thats over!"

So basically, its a simple giant monster movie. If you think you might feel motion sick watching this movie, then you probably will. I dont really reccomend it.
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

I thought it was brilliantly done with the two stories tied together on the same video tape. I sum it up like this, It's Godzilla meets The Blair Witch Project. The story of a city stomping monster as told from the people under the it's feet (as opposed to from a helicopter) with a love story thrown in to make you care about all of them dying. There were some very surprising moments and "unique" camera shots but not enough to make me sick, just dizzy in a few moments. I thought the little monsters were way creepier than the big one by far. Those little buggers freaked me right out. They reminded me of the brain sucker guys on Halflife crossed with the bugs from starship troopers.
I have to say this. I would have had a flashlight or two. I would have taken some armor (hardhat) from the subway station and carried a weapon of some kind. I would have kept that axe instead of leaving it in the writhing bug.

I think anyone with motion sickness problems or older folks who aren't used to fast hand held camera shots a like YouTube and similar amateur cinematography.
Anyway, it's a very short movie at 85 minutes so even if you don't like it you won't have to wait long for it to be over.
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

I think i was too focused on not puking to pay attention to the story. Maybe if I watch it again on a small screen at home I can focus more.
And yeah, the monster(s) reminded me of the headcrabs from Halflife and the Flood from Halo.
And damn right about having weapons. No one had a gun aside from the military, and the movie was supposed to take place in the USA hmmmm
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

Hate that camera shake stuff. Pointless wild zooming, etc.
Surprised some people love that stuff. I mean, didn't you get over all that in the first 20 minutes you played with a video camera ?
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

This is another theater movie I am passing on, my list of new movies this last year that I thought were not worth my time and money to see has been almost everything released. When I heard that it was filmed like the Blair Witch project was that its a corny way to save on CGI, and the almost Area 51 secrecy aspect on the web further convinces me it will be a dog. I will wait until it comes out on DVD.
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

i just watched it, initially i was thinking " i come to the movies for a well balanced, well planned professional panavision camera shot, not this crap"
but after the party finished, i was hooked, Its a thoughrouly enjoyable film, i think its really gripping, and a brilliant point of view tat jjabrams has done it in.It grips you, and doesnt let go, I feel te urgency to say "RUNNN!, RUNN! you stupid !@#"

As a flashaholic, there was so many times i just couldnt believe they would walk around in the dark. I was on the verge of taking my t1 and wanting to pass it though the screen. That subway scene? the light on the CAMERA? omg... but that was my favourite scene "this thing has night vision, turn it on...omg RUN" "why?" "just RUNNN"

and i must say i want THAT video camera, it runs for a helluva long time, what, 7 hours on a single battery? it survives being dropped from a huge monster, it survives the helicopter, it survives everything, even at the end when __________________ happened, that darn thing was still recording..
and i want that 10000000GB SD card they must have been filming that the start it says "SD card number blah blah blah, recovered from place formerly known as centeral park"

Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

Emm, it got lots of review here...probably because its something different..
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

I must confess that i've always gotten "quesy" when watching fast, sloppy, hand-held video.

Glad to see that i'm not the only one. :)

Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

I was hoping this would basically be blair witch redone right... There was much potential and to be perfectly honest, it wasn't bad.

I watch an enormous amount of movies and I feel the monster genre has been beaten into a singularity. It's refreshing to see that some people are at least trying to do a couple things differently, although it's tough to be original when you're born into a time where everything as been done already.

I agree that they went a little bit overboard with emphasizing the handheld perspective but then again, if they went easy and didn't make some of us puke, others would have complaint that it was just a gimmick and wasted potential... Funny thing is, they had a couple guys standing near the theater doors with bags in case people would puke running on their way to the cans.

In sum, I liked it and recommend it.
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

Honestly I was a bit disappointed, i didn't feel the movie had very good resolution in the end, the storyline is classic run away from scary monster with little effective defense, and lose members along the way. The first person perspective and emotion I think added to the effect, but overall the genre is really overdone and beaten. I got sick in the middle of the movie but, I think that may have had something to do with some salami I ate previous (I had some sickness after eating said salami Monday when in larger quantities it totally wrecked me).

On KROQ 106.7 Socal they were talking about the movie with the director (I think) and they were mostly talking about the possibilities and fun it that first person actors using the camera gives the recording experience, unfortunately it does detract from the video quality.

All in all I am not disappointed I saw it (albeit I missed a decent chunk going to the bathroom) I hold strong my disappointment's in regards tot he lack of resolution.
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

And damn right about having weapons. No one had a gun aside from the military, and the movie was supposed to take place in the USA hmmmm

I know gun laws are stricter in NYC, not exactly how strict though... time for john2551 or Monocrom to ring in...

Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

I'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD. I'd probably find all that motion distracting. Why is it called Cloverfield anyway?
Re: I just saw the movie Cloverfield

They said Cloverfield was just supposed to be the codename while under production, but the name spread through the internet so fast that they just decided to keep that name.