CMG Infinity replacement?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2003
Maryland, USA
I did some searching but didn't find any threads that seemed to have any suggestions. If I missed one, please let me know and accept my apologies.

Anyway, my beloved CMG Infinity (not Ultra), also known as "the one that started it all" is beginning to show its age after a long life and some abuse. Anyone have suggestions for a replacement? I am essentially looking for something with a kind of dim output, but looong on battery life. Thanks all,

The CMG Infinitys (and Ultras) are pretty much one of a kind and probably my favorite light.

There are a number of newer, smaller, brighter, whizbangier lights and some of them are really great (just got a Jetbeam u from Grumpy that I'm very happy with) but there's really nothing like the original CMG light.

They show up on BST periodically, even some unused ones. I'd just watch for one of them.
yEah they get sold in matter of minutes, so you really need to be lucky too. Some dealers used to carry alot of stock you might find one if you look hard enough.
Hey Gunga,
You are correct, they only come in the "Ultra" version. The difference is brightness and runtime. The output on the Ultra is higher, however, the non-Ultra gets great runtime. I have gotten about 42 hours off of one AA. As I said, the output is dim, but in most situations I value the runtime more. Thanks.

The Gerbers are totally different build, not the same form factor. And not nearly as robust -- the original is a tank.
Peak has a few heads that can be mated to an AA body. Some have the same diameter as an AA body, some are larger so they can have a throwy reflector. All have many similarities to the build of the CMG Infinity. DO NOT get frustrated by their poor website - CALL THEM. All of their heads come in a variety of outputs, so you can get the precise brightness/runtime you want.
I think we're all in agreement the original CMG Infinities are "tanks" with great runtimes!
...when Gerber took over, for a short period of time they produced the same light as the Infinity Ultra, but had "GERBER" on it instead of CMG...then they went to the current model/configuration (which just isn't the "tank" the other one was!). I wonder how many of those 1st Gerber/Infinity lights were made? I only kept 2 of them, wish I had a couple more...(being an obsessive compulsive that should be dedicating the gold nuggets to other priorities...but ahhhhhhhh, what a fun hobby! :D )

On the subject of them being sold here...geesh, sometimes they're sold before they ever get posted in these halls! AWTYD knows what I'm talking about! :D

I hope I've sold all the "extras" I had around - in other words, I hope they were indeed "extras" & I won't regret selling them!!! Oh yes, I kept a couple for myself, but did I keep enough? :thinking:

My ARC AAA & my CMG Infintity Ultras are some of my most used lights!
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I think a Peak Pacific XLR (extra long runtime) in an AA body with a P4 LED is about as close as you are going to get to the original Infinity. The build quality, runtime, and functional equivalence are very similar. In this day and age of multi-level-output/strobe/SOS/EPIRB/sharks-with-friggin'-laser-beams, the simplicity of the Peak is refreshing.
The Pacific AA is really not in the same spirit as an Infinity, it's a much larger light with a lot more parts, actually sort of bizarre in my opinion. I got one recently and will try to post a review soon.

I'd go for the Peak Kilimanjaro which I think is also available in XLR. See also my review of their old Arc AAA clone which has ridiculous long runtime:

Note this was written right after the old Arc company's demise, when Arc AAA supplies had dried up. The comparisons are with that old version of the Arc AAA which was about 1/2 as bright as the current version.

Finally if you really want a replacement Infinity or Ultra or even Ultra-G, you could try CPF Marketplace and post a WTB. They were never especially rare lights and there are still a lot of them around.
I didn't realize the original CMG's were such commodities. I have an original plus an ultra that I never use but I suppose I should hang on to for keepsakes.

Although a different form function but just as easily pocketable and a light I use now is the 9V Pak-lite with a ultralife lithium battery. It is an expensive setup for what you get but I love mine and figure I won't be replacing the battery for several years. The battery itself is built like a tank, fully enclosed in metal. The high fairly bright relatively speaking as it utilizes two Nichia CS LEDs will last for several dozen hours on the single battery. The low, a bit lower then even the original CMG will last for hundreds of hours. It's my bedside light, it's my pocket light for a quick jaunt outside and it's my travel light that I throw in the suitcase.
Even with all the innovations look how many of us still want the original CMG Infinity lights(self included).Just goes to show that a well designed light will hold it's value over time even with the substantial advances in technology.
You might consider a Fenix E0 as a replacement. It's a bit brighter than the Infinity, yet still gives long runtime. Not as long, but around 10 hrs. in regulation plus a long tail, and using a AAA. Not as robust, but few are.

Just got my cmg ultra-g in the mail today, brand spankin new. I've yet to test its ruggedness, but it seems about as strong as a hunk of solid metal. To the original post, as long as it still lights up, everything else is just character.
I have one each original ARC AAA and CMG Infinity Ultra and the only way they are ever leaving is when I'm dead!

I've seen pics of SOME of the Peak lights and a few of them do look worthy...
Note that the Ultra and Ultra G were a response to the Arc AAA which was an AAA light inspired by the AA-powered original Infinity, but overdriven. The original Infinity was about half as bright as the Ultra, and had about 2x the runtime. There were a few incarnations of it with different circuit designs, but the body style was similar to the Ultra. The very earliest ones had a powder finish instead of the smooth anodized finish of the later ones.
I just sent my son an Ultra G for his birthday, one of his presents. I have, I think, two Ultra's, and an Infinity red and yellow. The yellow is really dim.

Peak made some lug-style tails for the stainless steel Matterhorn, which would give a result similar to that Countycomm R&D light. I have their regular stainless version with the screw-in keychain post. I dislike the keychain post very much, and the light weighs a ton either way, but other than that it's a real nice light. I wish they'd make one in titanium with smooth sides, no engraving, and a lug tail.

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