I just picked up the Niterider Sol, same LEd/headunit as MiNewt X2 but with NiMH pack instead of li-ion; same runtime and lumen rating too!
Haven't got a chance to ride with it, probably Thursday though. It is pretty bright (about as bright as my MTE rebel100 with a fresh NiMH AA in it), plenty good for the street/commuting.
That said, I've played around with the MiNewt Dual X2, Trinewt, and a few others. Really, the led's are *that* bright compared to a good halogen, maybe its the color redition or something. By that I mean 15w or more. That trail rat is a 10 watter, which I've found to be very insufficient. Now, you could probably get away with throwing in a higher wattage bulb (batteryspace has a good selection), but with the little battery pack if comes with (4.5Ah lead-acid, or similar NiMH) runtimes would suffer. I get about 2hrs out of my 9Ah lead acid pack with my 15W homemade setup and its very nice...though I wish I woulda got a 12* or so spot instead of 24* ...