collamated beam? aspherical lens?

That is an aspheric beam profile and you won't get that with a collimated beam (in my limited experience).

The collimated light I have has a very narrow (5.5degree) optic and seems to "push" the beam out, and does not have the tight hot spot, but more a swath of intensly bright light that is more diffuse but has very little spill outside that main swath it pushes out. It provides more useable light over a broader area, but does not throw nearly as far as a dedicated aspheric thrower.

How far out do you want to reach out & how big a light are you willing to tote?

You may want to take a look at the Ray D1:

Close to 20,000 lux from a RCR123 in a pocket light sounds interesting.
Check out Selfbuilt's review & do a search in the Marketplace for the sales thead.

The Elektrolumens DeCree is another pocket rocket that takes an 18650, is single mode, direct drive & puts out around 300 lumens OTF (measured).
It is pretty pocketable also.

Or, you just could get a DEFT...

You'll love the beam shots in this thread.

The Dereelight line also has an optional aspheric head that can be lego'd onto thier lights that may be worth checking out. You get to have you cake & eat it that way.

Somebody else will have to chime in on the bigger ashperics, I don't have any experience with them but like the beam pattern also.
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maybe 2-300 feet, maybe more...

do they make anything i could use for a 1232 quark? like possibly a turbohead....

although i really want a beam profile like the deft or that tiablo lol
Just think of a magnifying glass. How you have to dial it in or out to get a tight beam. This is really tricky because the aspheric lens has to be a certain distance away from the led to be collimated. Dx has quite a few Glass Optic lenses to choose from, just take out your lens and measure it, this will give you a pretty close size on what size Aspheric lens you need. You will need to leave your flashlight on and hold the lens and move it back and forth until a near perfect led beam shows up on your wall. This shows you how far away you need to be from the led. A single 200 lumen led is the best. If the lens doesn't fit you may have to grind a little bit on the lip. I just modded a cheap dx thrower with a 50mm glass optic lens and made a killer thrower.