Color temp and resultant atmospheric reflection (glare)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
I've noticed that when there is a lot of particulate in the air, my cool white lights produce a lot of glare, reflecting back off the air particles.

Whereas with my warm temp lights, I see very little glare produced by the light reflecting back off of airborne particulate matter.

What is it about the warmer color temp that creates this difference?
It's why many use amber colored fog lights. Also note they are often lower to the ground than headlights.

Some might be able to put a scientific explanation or even a math formula to explain it. All I can say is cooler tints cause particulates to look brighter than warm tints.

I found that in really humid weather holding a light beside you at say, your hip area reduces the self blinding affect.

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