Comparing Olight High CRI and Low CRI S Mini outputs, Tint DUV, CRI, and CCT:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015


Ti S Mini w 219b 3000k and Pebbled Tir, max output of 247 lumens duv 0.0005, cri 96, cct 3100K

Brass S Mini w stock NW LED, max output of 536 lumens duv 0.0074, cri 69, cct 4400K

Copper S Mini w stock CW LED, max output of 580 lumens duv 0.0118, cri 64, cct 5400K

The Ti S Mini w 3000K 219b output is 57% lower than the CW Copper.
The Ti S Mini w 3000K 219b CRI is 50% higher than the CW Copper.

As CRI goes up, output goes down. This is normal.. I care most about Spectrum Quality, not Output Quantity. others will differ ;-)

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This is awesome! The pursuit of spectrum perfection.

Sad note: I burned up my 3 last sw45 219b 4500k R9080 LEDs the other day and there's no more to be had.
Do I understand correctly that you modded the Ti Mini yourself?

yes, thank you,
here is a video of the process (not mine), that I followed
here is an album with a few more photos of my mod
but, it is a work in progress because my mcpcb is thicker than stock, so the bezel does not sit flush.. there are people with better tools, who make the effort to grind down the mcpcb, or who choose to stay with an XML so they can use the stock mcpb. Notably Artiet59 is an Olight Master Modder, he is reachable by PM on BLF
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